A Moment – Lest We Forget
My husband and I did our Christmas shopping yesterday.
Yes, I know. It’s early November. And I am quite infamously last-minute when it comes to pretty much anything.
But keep in mind that (A) we live a LONG way from Big Shops, (B) Dash and Violet were away on school camp* and therefore our shopping run was less fraught with hiding certain purchases, and (C) Mr Incredible is still recovering from double-knee surgery and therefore not working full throttle. It was a case of Now or Never. I tell you, as full-on as the six hours of travelling and six hours of shopping was, I have never been so ORGANISED for the Festive Season in my life.
It also helped me keep my mind of missing my pair of Ankle Biters. Who are not ankle level anymore, but growing up sooooo fast it makes my head spin. I have two nights and three days without them. That’s over 60 hours. Not that I am counting. *deep breath*
Anyway, this post is not really supposed to be about any of that. That’s just setting the scene.
Halfway through our shopping day, my husband and I were in KMart in Hinkler Place, Bundaberg. It’s one of those big, squeaky clean, could-be-anywhere kind of variety stores. As we headed from the garden section to the toys and entertainment aisles, the PA crackled into life with a young woman (she sounded about 18) announcing that, as it was November 11, a minute’s silence would be observed at 11am. In two minutes time.
My husband and I looked at each other – neither of us had heard a store make that kind of announcement before. Each year we buy a poppy to help raise funds for veterans, and I have attended many Rememberance Day dawn services, and known that TV and radio stations often observe the tradition. But we had never seen a retail outlet making a specific announcement about it.
I noticed the usual white noise of crowded conversations as we turned into the wide back aisle of the store with our loaded trolley – babies were crying, couples debating, shoppers laughing and calling out, with the muffled drumbeat of dozens of footsteps on shiny hard white floors.
The same young female voice came back onto the PA. She called for us to remember those who had given their lives, those who would not come home, those who were fighting, and those who had fought and returned. It seemed strange, that voice, those words, as we stood between the Ironman and Transformer toys and the Home Living section. But we stopped. Still. Silent. I noted that even babies seemed to mute their crying.
I looked ahead. Two men in their early 30s passed us – they were small and olive-skinned and continued to chatter away in their native tongue as they walked along. The silence around them slowly soaked in and they stilled, looked around and realised something was going on. They quieted, a little wide-eyed, obviously not quite understanding, but willing to echo the strange silent stillness of those around them. It was like someone had frozen us all.
I felt emotion tug at my throat – I thought of all those men and women who had placed the needs of their country above their own safety, now and in preceding centuries. I thought of the horses and dogs who had been involved in wars over the decades too. Brave and selfless. People and animals to whom we all owe so much.
Here, in the back aisle of a chain-store variety store, their presence was strong. How odd. How beautiful.
Lest we Forget.
We will remember them.
Yes we will. Even in the middle of KMart.
Where were you at 11am on November 11?
Is Rememberance Day observed in your part of the world? If not, is there an equivelent day?
*This artwork is from Catherine Pain’s website – she is a UK artist worth checking out!
**I have linked to the Anzac Appeal from the image of the soldier above, who appears on their website.
This happened to me at my local supermarket a few years ago. I always find Remembrance Day ceremonies moving, and the acknowledgement of it in the supermarket was fantastic.
Jen´s last blog post ..Gossip
It’s amazing when it happens, like a calming hand has gently patted you on the shoulder and a voice whispers, “Remember”.
Jayne´s last blog post ..Hear ye, hear ye…blah blah blah
Yes, Veteran’s Day. And I found your experience at K-Mart quite moving.
I mentioned this on another blog yesterday, but I’m still hearing the poem in my head:
“In Flanders Fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses row on row…”
Kelly´s last blog post ..A rainy day walk
Colin Huggins
Wonderful to know that K-Mart did this.
I watched from the window at the Sofitel stairs overlooking the Brisbane Cenotaph the ceremony at 11.00 am. I am pleased to report that those coming down the stairs from the hotel to Ann Street, stopped when the bugler announced the time. All in the street were standing at attention except for one young upstart female hurrying through those standing, with piles of what looked like files – completely oblivious to the occasion. She was given stares and she was to my eyes, an Aussie! Surely the files were not of so much importance that she couldn’t stop and reflect??
Yes, lets not forget.
Wow amazing that this happened in Kmart. You made me a little emotional just reading this. They say (or so I heard on the radio yesterday) that ANZAC Day and Remembrance Day are becoming more important to younger generations maybe this has been what has pushed something like this. I was just starting lunch break.
Anne´s last blog post ..Finally
Well, I was running around doing 101 things and thinking of the quickest way from A to B, when it appeared that that way was blocked – because a whole lot of people were going to the main street for the 11am ceremony (so I went a different way)
I did observe the silence – sitting in my car – before I went in to B to get the next thing ticked off the list.
jeanie´s last blog post ..November in the Garden
Colin Huggins
You surprise me Jeannie. I would thought all Aussies know 2 days of the year to remember.
Anzac Day and 11/11! Remembrance day!
BB of Oz
She does Colin… but she is a juggler extraordinaire! Also, my sister!
Oh, I remembered, Colin – both my kids had their poppies and I was duly quiet at the time. You also forget the 3rd and 4th days to remember – the Cup and Boxing Day.
jeanie´s last blog post ..November in the Garden
I sent my daughter a text to thank her for her service. I am very proud of my baby girl.
The artwork is excellent. It’s vivid and powerful in it’s simplicity. Yes, we will remember! I only hope we learn as well.
Hippomanic Jen
I missed the fire station sounding the alarm at 11am. Is it that they don’t do that anymore or that they no longer have the alarm to call the volunteers in when there is an emergency, so can’t do it any more? Hmmm.
There are various completely different VTS specialties to select from, so decide one which pursuits you and pursue it. Buying a VTS usually results in an instantaneous enhance in wage.