A grand celebration!
It might not quite be Christmas yet, but I feel a bit like Santa today…
So many of you hang in here with me through thick and thin, through beautiful things and terrible events. And I want to welcome quite a few newcomers arriving here and at the BB of Oz Facebook page. So while I am of the strong belief that (as in SO many things in life) QUALITY means more than QUANTITY, I do admit to being quite tickled that there are now officially over 1000 regular visitors at my FB page, over 1200 at my Twitter page and this blog had over 3000 hits in the past two weeks.
Does my head in sometimes.
And while the numbers make me smile (and reel) it’s the quality of my visitors that makes my heart sing. I love that you love what I love – regardless of where you live in the world.
Things like this…
So I am GIVING AWAY a stretched canvas print of this image – FIERY BOTTLETREE SUNSET.
You can enter multiple times, in a number of ways:
1) By leaving a message in the Comments Section below answering the question: Which room in your house would you like to hang this canvas?
2) Heading to Facebook to like, share and comment as described there (post image is the same as the one above).
3) Sharing the following message on Twitter: I’m in the draw to win a bush sunset canvas from @BushbabeofOz – you can too! http://wp.me/pL0nw-2ex
Entries close midday Sunday (AEST).
Wishing you lots of luck and again THANKS!
(A special thanks to my fellow bush social media chicks, esp Gemma from Rural Miss ,Aticia from Miss Grey Photography, and Fleur McDonald (author) for giving me shout-outs at their pages. Sharing is caring. xx)
Rebecca Gowen
This would definitely go in my dining room so I can see it every morning over breakfast and every night at dinner.
Kerry McKenzie
We’ve been looking for that perfect piece to hang in our lounge 🙂
That’s a tough one! Either in my dining or living room. Or it might end up going to a good friend 🙂
It would look great in the same room in which I have my two framed prints of yours!
Kelly´s last blog post ..A rainy day walk
I’ve got three framed prints of yours in my bedroom. It’s nice to see them every morning and imagine getting there to see it in person. This picture would go in the library. Bob the buffalo and Buck the mule deer would like to look ponder some wide open spaces. 😀
debby´s last blog post ..What I’ve been up to…
Well, my choice might be influenced by the size of the print but I think I’d like to see it when I first open my eyes in the AM, hence, I’d hang it in my bedroom.
Jenny Ontronen
I would hang this beautiful canvas in the lounge room where it can be admired forever.
Hippomanic Jen
It would be great for the office/study when I have no inspiration for that late night assignment-writing that seems to happen Every. Single. Time. (Better than Facebook when I need to take a moment!)
I would probably put it on my sister-in-laws lounge wall (my only spare wall already has one of yours) They are suffering from the drought and she was only saying the other day she needed a special image for the wall 🙂
I think it would light up any room that it was in. I can’t decide whether the bedroom where I get to see it is best or the living part of the house where everyone gets to enjoy it. All those visitors show what you have is quality. Well done!
Anne´s last blog post ..About the Road
In my work shop. Next to the wolf maybe.
Patti B
Best room would be my living room, such wonderful colors….
In my master bedroom – in my newly built home!
I came to your blog when following the trail of one of your photos linked on another blog and have been returning ever since. Thank you for the beautiful look into your world.
I would love to hang this canvas in my bedroom! Mainly because there is a massive blank space there that I would love to get rid of.
probably over the bathtub, so I could soak and enjoy the setting sun.
I would hang it in the lounge room where everyone always sits 🙂
When I win this, it will hang in my living room.:)
It would go in my dining room next to the computer! I love your pictures.
Carrie M.
It would be great in my living space.
Lynda M O
It would hang in a lace of honor across from the couch in my living room. Thanks so much for the give away, BB. Hope this finds you all well and healthy, looking into summer.
OMG that’s sooo beautiful! And I missed it huhu.