A ‘Kelpie’ Kinda Cute
We have a few dogs who live here at Granite Glen.
You see Axel a lot – he’s a house dog (to my father’s utter horror) and ginormous.
You see a little of darling Diamond, the border collie who is a very cute, very greedy little girl.
You will explode stealing other dogs food, Diamond. And wipe your chops please!
Through a series of unplanned events, we have also ended up with a new pup.
A kelpie.
Named (by Dash and Violet) SPARKY.
INTENSE would be a word for it.
That steady gaze, those ears. (OH those ears!)
She and Diamond get let out of their runs for an hour or so each day.
They are work dogs but also need to be socialised.
And to just be KIDS.
Axel, who is now middle-aged, enjoys their company for about 15 minutes.
He likes snuggles. He’s not so big on the POUNCING or the NIPPING these days…
All that young energy soon wears a bit thin.
He is very patient, but eventually just STANDS UP and walks away. Often with a pup nipping at his heels or his jowls, but he rarely gets cranky. Just keeps walkin’…
So these pair try those sharp puppy teeth out on each other.
Diamond might be a chubster who prefers eating to action, but she knows how to throw that weight around with any newcomers…
Know your place, little Sparky…
Two VERY different pups, but equally lovable.
One more look at those ears before I sign off this morning…
A very Kelpie kinda cute.
Fleur McDonald
Nothing better than a kelpie!
Fleur McDonald´s last blog post ..The funny places I write!
Oh my gosh, he’s adorable.
debby´s last blog post ..Little Boys and High Energy
jeanie´s last blog post ..Food Bleurghing
Okay. I’m in heaven with this post. I LOVE pups!!!
Kelly´s last blog post ..The final Holiday Bazaar
Awww, LOVE Kelpies!
Mz Pip is Kelpie x Blue Heeler, black with the Heeler slivery grey paws.
I bet Sparky has the Kelpie’s intense energy that goes on like the Energiser Bunny lol 😉
Jayne´s last blog post ..Hear ye, hear ye…blah blah blah
Colin Huggins
I agree with sentence #2! (Oops, I think?)
Wonderful to see a border collie and a kelpie in the country where they should be and not in backyards in suburbia looking dismal.
Axel sure is a big “dawg”.
Hope you got some follow-up rain, I guess here in Brisbane, some sporting people would like none to come – time might tell on that one if the unthinkable becomes the thinkable?
OH! We are in the process of deciding on wether to buy a bordercollie or kelpie as our new sheep dog… after seeing these kelpies I think I’m going to vote for a kelpie! Such a beautiful dog.
nathalia´s last blog post ..WHERE THE ROSES ARE GROWING
Axel is huge! I love the ginormous ones 🙂 I have a Sparkie too! My girl is far from a working dog like yours. Then again I wouldn’t have the energy to keep up with a Kelpie, let alone a Border Collie and a family and a ranch…LOL! Love your photos. Beautiful.
LindaP´s last blog post ..Hiking Pink Beds Trail
I had a little start to think that Axel was middle aged. I began to go back to 2011 and I see he was fully grown THEN. How time does fly. It seems like you just brought Axel home.
debby´s last blog post ..Today
Mrs Catch
Love me an earful of puppy…
Lynda M O
Sweet sweet lovable Axel, so patient and peaceful with the young whipper-snappers. Dogs are the best pets altho with the space constraints we are under now a kitty is a better fit all around. Our CatCat is perfect for us. Altho slowing a bit, I hope to see her around for another several to many years. Her long-haired Calico self is so pretty and so soft…
Lynda M O´s last blog post ..Solar Installation Program Graduation Brings Smiles