So this was Christmas…
How was your Christmas? Was it happy? Was it memorable?
Mine was … for a gazillion reasons. Some of which I can talk about, and will share below, and some which I cannot (or will not, for the sake of my most special relationships) go into here.
Suffice to say that, in a number of ways, it was brought home hard to me just how precious and fragile and sometimes fleeting the best things in life can be.
The past ten days have been wonderful, happy, poignant, frightening, life-affirming and sweet.
I learned how truly great my family is. How great my husband’s family are. And how much I need to appreciate every bit of that RIGHT NOW.
I will say no more but share a couple of snaps from our Yuletide gatherings… please enjoy.
And please… linger a little with your loved ones, if you haven’t done so already.
City Christmas first.
Shutter Showdown with my brother-in-law (a tradition now!)…
Mr Incredible and his Dad get in the spirit for a limo ride to the city…
Crowded mall for Christmas parade (a few minutes after I had pulled myself together from little claustrophobic meltdown – most embarrassing. I am hopeless in a crush!)…
King George Square Christmas Tree and City Hall light display…
Arriving back to in-laws beautiful house…
And then, the Bush Christmas, here at Granite Glen…
Santa brought Rey Mysterio to the deck….
Violet the elf won the jackpot – a new saddle under the tree…
My sister Jeanie‘s ingenious fresh-baked dip-and-bread offering… delish! (Let’s call for the recipe, shall we?)
Our busy bush Christmas lunch table…
A variety of kebabs – beef, chicken, prawns, scallops…
Roasted cubed spuds with bacon bits…
Dynamo Junior in charge of entertainment…
And home-made bon bons by Violet.
Boxing Day (or Recovery/Cricket-watching Day) is also our nephew’s birthday.
He’s a Daddy’s boy this one, and it always makes my heart twinge a little when I see them tucked closely together. It’s beautiful.
And that smile… a sensation icing on our festive season cake.
How was your Christmas-Boxing Day period?
I’d love to hear in comments – if you blog, feel free to link there too!
What a splendid celebration you had!! Fantastic food, family, and festivities! (How’s that for alliteration?!). I do hope Jeannie will share her recipe.
We had our usual family gathering on Christmas Eve with all the kids, partners, and grandchildren in attendance. It was exhausting, but great fun! Christmas Day was quiet and nice in its own way.
Wishing you and yours all the best for 2014!!
Kelly´s last blog post ..A bloom, a bird, and a bull
Recipe, Jeannie!!
We had a lovely day here, as well, although not so busy as yours, it looks like. An unexpected, unforeseen plot twist has provided a mighty blessing, and clarified much for me.
We ate well, also. Mix it all together and you’ve got a memorable Christmas season at our house as well.
I love Violet’s excitement over her saddle!
Is it pink?
debby´s last blog post ..Best Christmas Gift Ever
Lynda M Otvos
How blessed are you and yours to have such bounty and beautiful weather in which to make the most of it. We had a calm, quiet day–just as we wanted.
Happy 2014. May each step we take lead the way to Peace.
Lynda M Otvos´s last blog post ..Happy Holidays to You
Mrs Catch
Christmas is such a great time of year. The food. Oh, the food! Hoping all is well now at your place.
Mrs Catch´s last blog post ..Bagman’s Rest.
I promise a recipe if I can borrow a photo?
jeanie´s last blog post ..The Quadrennial Parisienne Review
Fleur McDonald
Ours was very quiet, just the four of us – yours looks like how my family spend ours!
Love the look on Violet’s face – was a beautiful moment captured. xx
Fleur McDonald´s last blog post ..The work continues…
Xmas Eve with my mother and family, Xmas Day with my husbands family, Boxing Day with my father’s side of the family (all 25 of them at my house) then up at 1am on 27th to head to hot, dry Western Qld 🙂 Many days of recovery needed.