The third thing…
You know how some people are superstitious? Umbrellas inside, walking under ladders, etc.
Heard the one about bad things happening in threes? It’s big in my family. We usually manage to keep going til we have some sort of multiple of three fulfilled for the Gods of Superstition anyway.
So it was last week, as I recovered my equilibrium after being away for three-day break and losing (then finding) both my phone and my camera bag. I should have known that a THIRD thing was on its way, right?
Nope. Not me.
As I organised and anticipated the arrival of my wayward camera bag on Monday, I was blissfully ignorant of what was about to take place.
The kids arrived home from school, did homework and romped around as normal. And, as darkness began to fall, I called out for them to make sure their chores were done…
Are you lunchboxes out of your school bags? Yes Mum!
Are the ducks fed? Yes Mum!
Are the puppies put away in their kennel for the night? Insert long silence…
They aren’t here Mum….
What do you MEAN they aren’t here?
We haven’t seen them all afternoon – since we got home.
Well what about Axel?
Haven’t seen him either!
For those who aren’t regulars here – this is Axel. He’s a Great Dane and he is pretty hard to miss.
This is Stella – she belongs to Violet and is a fluffy ball of cuteness and yap.
This is Maggie… she belongs to Mr Incredible and is long and strong and BUSY.
And all three were gone.
Cal looked all around the horse paddock. Nothing.
Mr I checked the AI paddock and river. Nothing.
I took the ute down the river, along an old road stopping every 50 metres or so to call out. Nothing.
‘They’ll come back – remember Axel did the same thing with Juke Box,” he said.
I tried not to worry. Not to think of what trouble one huge (but aging ) pooch and two little ruffians could get into around here. In the dark.
Wild pigs. Brown snakes. Dingoes. Yes, that not-thinking-about-it was working well for me…
After the kids were in bed I took our 4WD and began my another search – along roadsides (in case one of them had been hit by a passing vehicle), around nearby dams (maybe one was bogged in the very muddy edges of half-empty waterholes), where the creek meets the river (again wondering if the muddy edges of our fast-dropping river had hung onto a weary giant dog). Sweeping the headlights over paddocks to see if three sets of beady eyes were looking my way – wondering which way home was.
I gave up and went home. I left all the lights on and slept fitfully, waking at every noise in case (by some miracel) one or all had returned…
At 5.15am we started again. Mr I took the ute to search further downstream, convinced they had wandered further away than we guessed. I called and called from the houseyard, hoping they might hear from wherever they might be and just COME HOME.
As I gave up, climbed the stairs and walked down hallway to wake the kids to get ready for school, Cal called out.
“Hey Amanda – check this out.”
I hurried back to the deck. To see this…
Oh. Em. Gee. Axel. Muddy, exhausted but in one piece. He could hardly stand up and his toes were red and swollen… if only he could talk!
No sign of puppies though. *sigh* That would have been too much to ask for…
I put some breakfast out for the big guy with a half-happy, half-heavy heart.
Then, around the corner, scampered these…
The relief was a bit dizzying. 14 hours gone – and who knows HOW far they ventured…
None were talking.
Or explaining that dried mud caked on their undersides.
They were just eating, hobbling, and then (for about two days) SLEEPING…
As for me? I slept well too.
I also got some painkillers from the vet for the big fella, and some chains from the hardware store. We won’t tie them up all the time, but by heaven’s, if they are out while I cannot watch them, they are gonna be secure.
My heart cannot take the excitement.
Colin Huggins
Weird, just disappeared AFTER you came back from the beach?
I guess this is one secret that the dogs will keep. Still their whereabouts or the trip to Mudsville would be interesting to know – the hows and whys at least. Certainly wasn’t a quick trip to Noosa for a surf, the mud would suggest to put a line through that one!
Very weird indeed !!!!!
Dingos? Which side of the fence are you on?
Note: Boys will be boys and dogs are always dogs… that’s what makes them good at what they do.
Our Maremma’s go on adventure too. One of them has decided he would rather sit and lok after the chickens rather that contend with the head-butting goats lol Love our pooches!
I must admit I read that post while holding my breath and my heart is still racing a little. I am SO GLAD this had a happy ending!!
I can’t tell you how often I’ve wished one of our animals could talk.
Kelly´s last blog post ..One Second After by William R. Forstchen
I am glad they came back okay but if only they could talk. I wonder what they got up to in their adventuring.
Anne´s last blog post ..Welcome Swallow
Lynda M Otvos
So glad that turned out well. Hearts heavy with sorrow enough this season already.
Lynda M Otvos´s last blog post ..How I Quit Drinking Thirty Years Ago
If they ever invent a gadget that helps dogs talk like they do in the movie, UP, we are gonna here some weird and amazing things. So glad your four legged friends are back and safe.
Animals have been giving you heart failure on a fair regular basis this year, aren’t they. Glad these little delinquents remembered where they belonged.
debby´s last blog post ..I love this book.
Fleur McDonald
scary stuff. Our ‘Miss Meita’ went missing one night when The Boss was away. Being only about 8mths old at the time I could only imagine what mischief she got up to. She still hasn’t told me!
Fleur McDonald´s last blog post ..The countdown begins!
Helen Beutel
If only they could tell their story Amanda.
As for things happening in threes, that happens in our house also. (This is about SPIDERS though.) My Mother started it though. If she found 1 (inside the house) she said there were 2 more around. This has proved to be true many times. Myself @ my daughter have the same fear.!!
halloween decorations
Its not my first time to pay a quick visit this website, i am visiting this web site dailly and take good data from here everyday.
halloween decorations´s last blog post ..halloween decorations
Lynda M Otvos
To ‘the roaring boomers’ there with their advice… Perhaps we are looking at two different blogs but I see a metric ton of photos here. The structure of BB’s blog is fantastic already. Are you in the blog-advice business ?~!
Lynda M Otvos´s last blog post ..Tuesday Morning…
Lynda M Otvos
Ok, the comment to which I was referring seems to have disappeared since I began this reply before I went to work many hours ago. Please ignore my remarks in light of the object no longer being visible. Thanks.
Happy Wednesday, BB.
Lynda M Otvos´s last blog post ..Tuesday Morning…
BB of Oz
LOL – yes I did spam that comment. Rude things!! LOL. 😉