Drafted and dusted…
Despite the extreme dry weather that this part of the world is experiencing at the moment – with our shire now part of the 80% of Queensland that is officially drought declared – one of our teeny local towns managed to host a campdraft this weekend.
What an amazing effort – rewarded by a veritible stampede of campdrafters from all over descending on the sportsground for two days.
There was barely room for spectators’ cars on the crispy dry surrounds of the arena!
So many drafts have been called off due to farmers being unable to provide strong stock for the events. This draft was lucky to have donors step up and offer some great cattle.
Small patches had been watered to add the illusion of some healthy grass, and try to settle a little of the dust…
And hardy volunteers manned the gates on the campdraft yards, the microphones, the canteen and the secretary’s office…
It was incredibly hot in the sun, but detirmined onlookers braved the sun to see the action…
And despite swallowing a significant amount of dust, hundreds of competitors enthusiastically took part on lots of glorious horses.
This young man (whose name currently eludes me) had a cracker weekend, placed in the Juvenile and took out the Open Draft.
This is my young friend Breanna (last featured here) who got her first full course in the Juvenile and was delighted with her horse’s effort.
Mr Incredible competed, but I managed to miss all his runs. I have a thing where I think I jinx him with my camera – he got an 86 after I left yesterday, then no score when I wasn‘t there in today’s final. Superstition busted. Never mind.
Violet and Dash both rode in the Junior Draft and (as usual) I took very few pics of them – I was too busy being a nervous Mum on the sidelines. Both did well, although out of a place.Violet was as detirmined as ever…
…and Dash had a wonderful cut-out.
This is seriously the ONLY photo I took of his round. Hopeless.
It’s back to working on our drought management efforts tomorrow – but it sure was nice to catch up with friends and watch some great riding with our family.
Eating the dust was definitely worth it!
Colin Huggins
Shocking the 80% drought situation and no relief looking likely.
I think you may have to resort to strange dancing (not videoed, please) to see if that works!!!
At least the camp-draft was a chance to think of other enjoyable things, well maybe?
I guess I’ve never really thought about it before…where the animals come from for these events. Have you and Mr. I ever provided the stock for a campdraft?
I hope you get some relief soon!
Kelly´s last blog post ..Ponderings #19
Lynda M Otvos
Great that a break was provided for you all to get a chance, as you say, to catch up a bit and think about something else for a couple days.
My thoughts are with you during this weather disaster.
Lynda M Otvos´s last blog post ..Concerts-Two in a Week-Delightful
It is good that you got out to enjoy some down time and catch up. It sounds like a dusty fun way to relax. Wow 80% now!! 🙁 I hope there is some late wet season action. I had high hopes for those cyclones (okay they were fanciful wishes) in regards to rain but doesn’t look like either will do much for the inland areas.
Anne´s last blog post ..Welcome Swallow
Glad they had a good turnout – the most important question though – are their steak sandwiches still up to scratch?
jeanie´s last blog post ..Ten things – the whipper-snippers / adolescents comparison thing-ie