Crimson Dawn…
Are you a reader? Do you love sitting down and losing yourself in a good book?
I do. It’s my indulgence… one I don’t do often enough really. When you juggle lots of things (as I do, and as I suspect many of you do too) that ‘time out’ to slide into another world for a while is a rich reward.
Which is why I was so excited when this arrived in my mailbox…
It’s best-selling Aussie author* Fleur McDonald’s fifth novel and explores the intriguing stories of two main characters – modern-day Laura who runs her family’s sheep property in WA, and Thomas whose awful childhood seventy years earlier sets the wheels in motion for events that shape Laura’s world. And her world in Crimson Dawn is an ever-changing place, with family secrets, farming dramas, personal demons and the hint of illicit drugs to deal with.
I have long been a Fleur McDonald fan – I love that her writing lifts you into a world she so clearly loves. I love that her characters are full and colourful and flawed enough to feel like you truly know them. And I love that she doesn’t adhere to the conventional ‘romance’ writing formulas – she explores many relationships in her books, including romantic love, but there is so much more going on.
Crimson Dawn follows Laura and Thomas’ story throughout – and through its twists and turns, keeps you engaged and intrigued til the end. (I promise you won’t pick what happens!)
If you are already a Fleur McDonald fan you will adore this book – I tried to slow down but finished it within 48 hours. (Yes I am greedy like that!) I loved the descriptions of the West Australian landscapes and characters that are so Australian without being ‘ocker’.
I should admit also that I have been lucky enough to meet Fleur in real life*, and can attest she is as real and empathetic as her writing indicates.
If you have never read Fleur, or tried ‘Bush Lit’ before, please grab this and let yourself enjoy an adventure in the bush with a woman who knows bush adventure intimately!
Crimson Dawn is in bookshops from today! You deserve a few hours of down-time – grab this book, the beverage of your choice, a comfy chair and and ENJOY.
*Disclaimer: while I do know Fleur in ‘real life’ I would never give a positive review to something I didn’t like. I love this book. Actually, I am about to read it again! I also had no idea she was going to do this:
I am probably going to frame this page!
I am in VERY esteemed company beside Catherine (Influential Women) and Gemma (Rural Miss), that is for sure! Aren’t I a lucky girl?
Colin Huggins
Will this book be likely to get into Public libraries after its release?
Well, maybe the “Wild Banshee Rain Dancing” is working – started raining here yesterday and has been on and off since – seems to have set in and from the weather maps looks like a lot of the outback (Qld) will be getting the same. Then again, it could be that the TV channels have up-marketed the names of the weather people – “Weather presenters to Meteorologists”!!
I guess a name change was all that was needed???
“Bring it down, Huey” – who really cares what their names are. Just rain, eh?
Fleur McDonald
Ah, BB, thanks, my friend! And yes, Colin, it should be in your local library about now!
So glad to hear the rain is reaching where it’s needed.
Colin Huggins
Thanks Fleur. All being well here, I shall go into the Brisbane Central Library tomorrow and see if they have it, or if not, why not etc etc. I’ll put the result up here.
Presently still raining in Brisbane, looks like it has set in for the night. Walking around the city in the rain is not fun, so hopefully it will have moved inland where it is really needed. I think the gardens, parks etc here have had enough for this week.
Colin Huggins
Good news.
1. First of all still steady rain here in Brisbane and nobody is complaining. I think the city folk at last have realised that food does not grow on supermarket shelves!
2. The Book: Crimson Dawn.
3. The Brisbane City Library has a copy.
4. Presently it is out.
5. There has been to the Library’s surprise a very great interest in the book.
6. I have placed an order.
7. They will e-mail me when it is returned for me to collect, but I may have to wait if others are in front of me.
8. They will with the interest get more copies (the Suburban libraries to have copies).
9. I informed the library person that you are a rural person who promotes rural life on a blog. Her interest increased. So when I go in next time, I will take in your blog contact and Amanda’s. I suspect the librarian was a country born lady.
I guess now you can take a bow. Well done, Fleur.
Colin – not sure about this title, but I do check the Fleur section of the Bundaberg library from time to time!!
Great review – now time to carve out some reading space in the next few weeks…
jeanie´s last blog post ..Ten things – the whipper-snippers / adolescents comparison thing-ie
I’m not usually one for romance, but you sure do make this sound appealing. Perhaps I should give it a go? 🙂
Kelly´s last blog post ..“A Night at the Opera”
Hippomanic Jen
I’m excited having pre-ordered an electronic version that automatically downloaded itself to my computer yesterday. I’m just doing the “should I finish reading my current book, or just jump into Fleur” conversation with myself.
You know, it never occurred to me to check OUR library…maybe…just maaaaaaayyybe…
debby´s last blog post ..This and That
Colin Huggins
Via Amanda’s blog:
Fleur: Just got an e-mail that your book awaits me for collection, so tomorrow I shall go and collect for the princely sum of 80c !! Strange amount to out on “hold”??
So I shall have some weekend reading.
I will via Amanda let you know what I think – I wonder is it “a la The Thorn Birds”??
I think they made a TV mini series out of that with that “Doctor Kildare” playing the part of the priest who I think ended up as a Cardinal??? I forget.
Who knows maybe you might get a “mini series” also?? Now who would you suggest to play the leading roles??
Colin Huggins
I now have the book!
I will need to pencil on paper the family members to work out who is who and what mischief they are up to! Only up to page 18!!!
I must say the first two pages have set a “tone”.
Seems like a collaboration of “Upstairs Downstairs”, the woeful “Bold and Bizarre” and “Downtown Abbey”!!!!
Maybe Fleur you will be directing a “TV mini-series”.