Unexpected offering…
It’s incredible what you can see on a quick drive when you live in the bush…
I admit that when a couple of our parcels got waylaid on Friday and I had to drive a 40km round trip to retrieve them late in the afternoon, I was slightly annoyed. After all, there is always so much to do, and this additional chore put a spanner in the works a little for me here.
But you know me… I took the camera along JUST IN CASE…
And guess what…
Silhouetted wedgies…
sunsets, signposts and windmills…
Can one ever have enough bottle trees sunsets?
So what’s the only thing missing from this series of photo opps?
Can you think what it might be?
One of my wayward parcels held these gems – cap, sticker and sign. I squealed with glee when I saw them – how hilarious and APPROPRIATE.
Please note that I DO check my rear view mirror when I stop as each new photo opp hurls itself before me…. mostly.
And I DO TRY to pull off the road in case of other road traffic…
My neighbours are getting used to me stopped slightly skewiff on the road, sometimes on my belly on the gravel…
They may still shake their heads as they drive away, but they do still speak to me. Heh.
PROCEED WITH CARE: Mad photographer ahead.
PS SHOULD mention that the ‘unexpected gift giver’ was the wonderful and generous Fleur McDonald!
What a hoot – I love the cap and sign! What I’m most impressed with, though, are those wedgie shots. Outstanding!
Kelly´s last blog post ..Shadow Shot Sunday #91
That gift is just fantastic. How appropriate.
I spotted a man putting his groceries in the boot of his car in a shopping centre carpark the other day with an enormous camera strapped around his neck. Now who but an avid photographer would go grocery shopping with a camera.
Sure enough, he spotted a perfect photographic opportunity right there in the carpark. There was a litter of pug puppies hanging out a car window. It would have been a brilliant shot!
Loved the bottle tree sunsets, by the way!
Bushbernie´s last blog post ..Wordless Wednesday … Native and Introduced in Harmony
Someone said something once about photos of old windmills 🙂
jeanie´s last blog post ..The Galactical Women’s Rant about lurgies and other societal ailments
Anne@Grit and Giggles
Hehe love your parcel contents. Beautiful pictures, I love the wedgies and the signs AND no I don’t think we can ever get enough bottle tree sunsets 🙂
Anne@Grit and Giggles´s last blog post ..Between the Tracks
Rancher Girl
HAHA!!!! We stopped in the middle of the road last evening, so I could snap shots of a jack rabbit. We were on a county road by our house. Several neighbors had to drive around our vehicle.
I SO need that sticker!