Photo Stuff,  The Bush

Unexpected offering…

It’s incredible what you can see on a quick drive when you live in the bush…

I admit that when a couple of our parcels got waylaid on Friday and I had to drive a 40km round trip to retrieve them late in the afternoon, I was slightly annoyed.  After all, there is always so much to do, and this additional chore put a spanner in the works a little for me here.

But you know me… I took the camera along JUST IN CASE…

And guess what…

wedgie_7995 eSilhouetted wedgies…

wedgie_7997 eKinda cool…

wedgie_7996eAnd if that isn’t enough…

sunsets, signposts and windmills…

sunset_8033 eCan one ever have enough bottle trees sunsets?

sunset_8042 eGosh I hope not…

sunset_8047 feSo what’s the only thing missing from this series of photo opps?

sunset_8009 eCan you think what it might be?

sunset_8020 wWARNING SIGNS!!!!!!

selfie_8016 f1eROFLMAO.

One of my wayward parcels held these gems – cap, sticker and sign.  I squealed with glee when I saw them – how hilarious and APPROPRIATE.

Please note that I DO check my rear view mirror when I stop as each new photo opp hurls itself before me…. mostly.

And I DO TRY to pull off the road in case of other road traffic…

My neighbours are getting used to me stopped slightly skewiff on the road, sometimes on my belly on the gravel…

They may still shake their heads as they drive away, but they do still speak to me.  Heh.

PROCEED WITH CARE: Mad photographer ahead.


PS SHOULD mention that the ‘unexpected gift giver’ was the wonderful and generous Fleur McDonald!


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