You know when you feel like something is just insurmountable?
That it’s too big. Too high to possibly climb?
With a wrecked right knee I know I feel that quite literally on a regular basis.
A decent set of steep stairs holds a challenge for me.
Well, I need you to see something…
Violet had climbed off Sandy as they helped drove some cattle yesterday afternoon – her dog Stella was having her first outing with a mob, and had had her paw stood on in the excitement.
Stella got a checkout from her loving mistress but was pronounced ‘fine’. But …Violet was off. And the mob was moving away.
Sandy is not a small horse. And Violet is quite challenged in the height department.
She never thought for a SECOND that she couldn’t do that.
Look again at that first pic. Her left foot is up around her sternum. I think I need to do some more yoga stetches. And perhaps revise my attitude.
Well done, Violet. Good clamber.
jeanie´s last blog post ..The Galactical Women’s Rant about lurgies and other societal ailments
Ann Britton
Priceless, both rider and horse, says so much about both, thanks heaps for sharing Amanda, be very proud as I know you are.
Ann Britton´s last blog post ..The Great Clown Rescue
Wow! Now that’s what I call limber!
Kelly´s last blog post ..Shadow Shot Sunday #91
gail LIpke
This brings to mind that song doing the rounds. “Give a girl a spanner see her change the world. She can do anything…” Loved it she will be a force to be reckoned with when she gets older.
Way to go Violet. You’ll go far with that determination.
Hippomanic Jen
I love that she can just leave the reins lying on Sandy’s neck as she tries this! Trust.
Kids. They are so limber. Good job Violet!
LindaP´s last blog post ..Elise Shawl
Loved this! Great horse too. He knew he had precious cargo to look after too. Horses are truly wonderful animals. Well done V. I do so admire your abilities – a great ‘can do’ attitude!
On another note, Happy Birthday Mr I….
Ellie k
V. Knows she has a job to do and she will get it done, the horse did it’s part too, just stood there and waited for the girl to climb up.
Carol Alex
Great Job!
I love that look on her face in the last picture. There was no doubt in HER mind that she was getting on that horse.
Lynda M Otvos
Her body language and facial expression say it so clearly and plainly. “I will succeed and Sandy will too.” You’re a good mom and I adore the lifestyle you show us. What a great way to grow up !~!
Lynda M Otvos´s last blog post ..Sunny Cat-urday !~!
Awesome job and stay on the “can do” attitude. Nothing I admire more than a girl with winning attitude. When life has you against a wall, I can see you coming out swinging. Good on ya!