In the clouds…
I know it’s been a little while since I posted – I am just starting to rise to the surface again. Thanks for waiting for me… I need some post-chemo, blog-post therapy.
Did that even make sense?
I have had a couple of little photo stories waiting in the wings til I could concentrate. I had to share this one first. It makes me smile and smiling is the second-best medicine. (Or something like that).
Just over a week ago, I took another little trip.
I posted this pic on Facebook when I took it. It’s a selfie taken in a plane at our local airport before it took off. I was trying to be sneaky because I was a bit embarrassed about taking a selfie in public. So I held the phone by my side and snapped. And then pretended I was checking my messages. Apparently (well according to about two commenters) the result came over all mysterious and Hollywood because I had my glasses and scarf on. Pretty funny. If there is one thing I DON’T feel at the moment, it’s glamorous! I think the expression on my face is more: Gosh I wish I was flying to Brisbane for a completely different reason.
Anyway, I snapped the pic and then got ready to fly. I adore flying – I think I have mentioned that a few dozen times here already.
The LIIIIIIIFFFT-off is the best. Wheeeee!!!
And then the furious landmark-spotting as you rise … not that I know too many people who live under this flight path really…
But my cousin Dan and his beautiful family live in that valley in the centre top section of this landscape…. I waved.
I don’t think he saw me.
The flight takes a bit under an hour. The drive for the same distance? About five-and-a-half hours.
If only they cost the same amount.
Other fun stuff about being in BrisVegas?
Scrumptious food that OTHER people prepare, and OTHER people bring to you, and OTHER people clear away.
I was OTHER people (in the hospitality industry) once. I am OTHER people all the time at home. The novelty of not being other people remains fresh!
And even when I did my own preparing of food during my two night stay in the city, I did okay.
Smoked salmon and avocado. Raisin toast. Decadent!
And here was another highlight… my sister-in-laws dog. Benson. He might not be as big as Axel but he packs a mean cuddle-kiss-tailwag. Nice work Benny Boy!
Then of course, there was the trip home…
I deliberately sat on the western side of the plane on the flight north. It was the first time I had managed to nab a set on that side… I guess most people want the ocean-and-non-sunny side?
But it was worth it!
And how glorious is this? Looks like the pathway to Heaven…
Halleluja clouds from above!!!
And then, in a break in the clouds and smokey haze… something familiar….
Our OWN river!! (Usually seen from this angle).
I got a bit excited.
I waved to the hubs and Dash and Violet.
I don’t think they saw me.
I think my smile lasted through the rest of the flight, disembarking and the whole hour-and-a-half drive home.
Such a cool sight for sore eyes!
I miss your blogs but Know somethings take time; pleased you are up & going again but are you ready for the next time? Hopefully for the last time and can now look at the adventures ahead of you. keep well and safe travels. Dexter is going on an adventure tomorrow.
Boogal Brahmans
Hi Mandy
Lovely series of shots .Nice to see the country from the air-looks a little greener from above ! Hard to see the Boogal Creek inlet but Hazeldean inlet very clear. Bec usually waves as she goes over from out west- amazing how many planes take this flight path over our country. xx
Boogal Brahmans´s last blog post ..Grass – Reared Paddock Brahman & Charbray Bulls
Anne@Grit and Giggles
I love flying too and picking out landmarks from above is amazing. I love the look of this world from way up high in the clouds.
Anne@Grit and Giggles´s last blog post ..Flighing High, Heading South
Gretchen in KS
I’ve only ever been in four planes, and I agree, take-off is my favorite. Though for me, it’s only ’till the wheels leave the ground. (I get motion sick far too easily.) On a very calm flight, looking out the windows was wonderful. I’m glad you’re finding some good bits in this odyssey you’re traveling. And I thank you for sharing some of them.
Yeah – I am more from the camp “freak out and pray” as a plane gets off the ground and returns to the ground – when I am up, I am okay…
Only one more to go…
jeanie´s last blog post ..A funny thing happened on the way to the bath…
Colin Huggins
Glad to learn that all seems in the health stakes to be going well.
The smaller turbo-prop – Dash 8-300 planes are great for being able to see the landscape below. I am off to the Hunter, Terrigal and Sydney when this ridiculous G20 (waste of money) talkfest is on in November. Brisbane being in lock down and on terrorist alert does not appeal to me. Hopefully Brisbane will be the same when I return????
I have been looking up suitable sites for where these “GREAT GATHERINGS” of minds can be held. Easter Island could be “hired” from Chile and the leaders could sleep in tents. I did consider Antarctia but felt sorry for the penguins!
May improve their brains – free,fresh and unpolluted air at last,eh???
Cheers and keep improving (healthwise).
I don’t really know you but I feel like we are best friends and I am just so in awe of you. And I loved this blog entry.
Lynda M Otvos
So good to hear your voice, Amanda, and such a lovely bunch of photographs !~! A little trip away is always invigorating, isn’t it ?~!
Lynda M Otvos´s last blog post ..Half Square Triangles (HSTs) are Versatile
carol alex
Ditto what Sally said, and you are making such a difference in all of our lives.
Smiles and laughter may be good medicine, but I think puppy (and kitty) loving rank pretty high up there, too. 🙂
I don’t mind flying and actually use to have my private pilot’s license (single engine, VFR), but will admit I usually breath a sigh of relief following take-off (which I consider the “iffiest” part).
Kelly´s last blog post ..Fishy food
Ellie k
I too miss your blogs but I know you will soon be back showing us kids, cows, Mr. I and that little dog or at least he thinks he is little. The airplane selfie looks like a movie star shot, really good. Prayer are still being sent up for you. Let people wait on you for a while, Moms very seldom get that.
If I remember properly, you have described yourself as ‘having your heads in the clouds’ from time to time. This time was spectacular. I’m so very glad that you have only one more chemo to go!
debby´s last blog post ..The Rise and Fall of Tim
Helen Beutel
Love your stories Amanda. Hope all goes well with your remaining chemo.