Double (figures) Party !
Today is Violet’s tenth birthday.
I know this because she has reminded me around 3498 times in the past week.
I don’t know how she thinks any of us could forget – after all we did hold an early birthday party for her last weekend.
With approximately 3498 guests…
It went a little like this…
We warmed up with a Christmas lunch.
Yes I know – most people would seperate these two events (my family Christmas from our daughter’s tenth birthday) but most people might not hate getting party-ready quite as much as me. It’s my idea of multi-tasking: one massive effort to prepare this very large house (and yard), instead of two! Yes, I was exhausted (and roused on by various people for attempting it) but it was totally worth it.
Beautiful nieces and nephews gathered at our house.
Enjoying each other’s company as only cousins can…
The three firstborns (my sister’s ‘Salina, my brother’s Rose and our Dash) – all are in high school next year, which blows my mind.
Christmas lunch was lovely, with present opening and bon-bons, the works. (I did cheat and use disposable plates – I had a lot of people to feed!)
But once we hit 3pm….
And then it was all dimple-and-cupcake city.
I baked lots of mud-choc cupcakes, my sister-in-law Curly (in background below) helped me ice the darned things (Fact: I had never made butter-cream icing before). And then Mr Incredible lit the candles…
It was gusty, so his task was almost the toughest! It was seriously hot last Sunday and all the kids were keen as mustard to deal with the cake and get into the POOL. Can you tell?
There are a lot of cousins and second cousins in this photo, which is something I just love about living here. I love that our kids are mates with family. Best of both worlds.
Violet handing out the cake to my cousin M’s oldest girl. These two have been playing together since they were in nappies. Violet would that I am pointing that out!
These are two of the ‘big girls’ who used to attend the tiny primary school our two go to – I am quite sure kids grow up MUCH faster than they used to. These two are pretty much as tall as me now. Could someone please STOP THE CLOCK?
Axel was funny during the party – he was pretty sure it was all for him, and kept himself busy overseeing events.
Overseeing the little kids slip-and-slide…
And then…Overseeing 3498 people in a pool.
(Okay, there might have been ‘only’ 32 at any given time, but as my father says: Never let the truth get in the way of a good story)
Like any good Aussie party, the blokes cordoned themselves off. This is Dash with three mates busy showing off.
Dash (and all mates) will vehemently deny this is what is going on here, but I’ve been to a pool party or two in my life, and I am confident in this call. Testosterone is a funny thing.
The girls were busy being unimpressed.
Of course in this melee, it was a little hard to tell.
I would just like to take a moment to reflect on the amount of work a pool this size takes – my husband has been busier than a one-legged bloke in a butt-kicking competition. Running a property AND getting a very large pool party-ready. It’s usually my job (in previous years) but I am still not allowed in the sun too much (and there was plenty inside to keep me busy!). For a man who doesn’t swim much, it was a huge effort. I think 3498 people appreciated it, darl. Nice work.
And while his post-surgery smile (he had a cancer taken from his bottom lip in two ops recently) isn’t a big one, I think he was pleased with the amount of joy and fun had in that pool throughout the afternoon.
A bush birthday is never complete without a party-crasher with horns…
Bay Leaf came to see what all the fuss was about, so Violet introduced her to a school mate who had to check out the pointiness of those horns! Her little sister required a bit more space, and was happy to observe from a distance.
All too soon the sun set on Violet’s party… in quite spectacular fashion I might add.
And this Mama then proceeded to collapse for a few days (not really but I was beyond tired and have really only just caught up!).
All in all, a wonderful, wonderful day.
Now, did someone mention that it’s Violet’s ACTUAL birthday today?
PS So much has happened since last week… like a grand total 223mm (almost 9 inches!) of heaven-sent rain, and Dash graduating from primary school (yet-to-be blogged).
Thank you for sharing this with us all. And Violet, before I forget HAPPY 10th BIRTHDAY.
BB of Oz
Thanks Florence!!! 🙂
Happy birthday, Violet. I remember 10. It felt like a very big deal to have two numbers in my age.
debby´s last blog post ..Tim
Amber Rhodes
What a great party! Happy Birthday to Violet! I remember turning 10 and getting all excited about ‘double figures’! Love that Bay Leaf came over to check everything out!!
Amber Rhodes´s last blog post ..OOTD Off to Market
What a brilliant job you did, and Papa as well. It looks like everyone had the most fabulous day. That sunset looked spectacular.
BushBernie´s last blog post ..Here Comes The Summer … My Dry Tropics Garden Journal … Week 50, 2014.
Jac Cunningham
Happy Birthday to youuu (singing that bit). Pool, fav peeps and pink what else could a girl wish for on her 10th Birthday! Big hugs from the Cunnningham’s !
A happy, happy birthday to Miss Violet!!! The entire celebration (animals included) looks like a wonderful time!!
Kelly´s last blog post ..A Dickens Christmas
Such a lovely recount of your family’s special celebration. Love your tales and photos. All the best for the future.
OMG 9 inchs of rain…..sure you haven’t got washed away since the birthday party………
Happy birthday Miss Violet……….
Chookyblue´s last blog post ..hi……..
Lynda M Otvos
Happy Belated Birthday, miss Violet, ten marks a big step. You and all your cousins and mates look to have had a marvelous time. Thanks to Dad for getting that glorious pool ready for the onslaught. Mom, you made a marvelous afternoon-love the two parties in one idea-maybe could borrow that one time for the Grandson who was born Dec 18th.
So relieved to see that you are doing well, Amanda, I don’t get to read nearly as much as I did over the summer so I am behind but you are on my mind often and I’m glad to see that you have had rain. We did too finally.
Holiday Wishes to all at Granite Glen. May each step we take lead the way to Peace.