Post Marcia (Marcia MARCIA!)
Oh WHAT a night…
I have to say, even though there were a thousand warnings for this weather event, I never really believed we would experience a CYCLONE this far inland (250km from the coast). But then along came Marcia.
If you followed me on Facebook last night, you will know we were battoning down as winds and heavy rain hit last night (between around 8 and midnight). The kids moved themselves into our bedroom, and with wind wailing and our old house creaking up a storm, I let them!
We measured just over 220mm for 48 hours. Just under nine inches of rain. Which of course we LOVE for our pastures.
But it arrived in a short space of time and with some serious wind (around 100km/hr I believe with Marcia a Category 1 as she passed over). We are mindful of those further north who copped it much worse (Yeppoon and Rockhampton) and of those out west watching us get drenched as they wait for desperately-needed rain. We also spare a thought for those downstream of here, who will end up with our excess, as well as that from further east (where I believe over 10 inches fell in a couple of hours!).
Here are some images of what it looks like here this morning.
The River
The Creek
There are ‘widowmakers’ everywhere. This one was SPEARED into the ground from the force of the wind.
I think my husband needs a stiff drink before we contemplate WHERE to begin.
More images to come.
As we manage to get to it.
Colin Huggins
Looks like no major damage, so that is good.
Still pouring here in Brisbane, but thankfully no winds – YET?
Rain coming in presently from the coast at a degree of 60 – that means windows have to be closed – not the straight down stuff.
No disruptions to rail services and no CBD flooding as I was in the CBD this morning.
Such a pity that far inland is getting none.
You’ll get there. But oh the benefits from this rain; it was glorious. Busy busy. Thanks for showing us around.
Anne@Grit and Giggles
I think you got the part that everyone wanted. Winds that weren’t too strong and the more importantly, the rain. Guess the wet ground and bit of wind made some tree casualties. I am see you pictures and wishing I was there to see the beauty you are seeing, the water you are seeing. Hopefully there aren’t too many fences to be fixed. Good luck with the clean up but maybe for today, just enjoy the sogginess, the clean up will wait. Take the time to relax, savour that drink and enjoy the time as a family before the work begins. I’m glad you made it through okay and like you I also hope those who got the brunt of it fared okay.
We were discussing at work yesterday about cyclones and how the media hype them a bit (mind you they certainly do damage) but also about how the worst part is the waiting, waiting for it to come and waiting for it to finish, waiting for the unknown. You can relax a bit now and get some sleep.
Thanks for sharing what you are seeing today. I’m loving it.
Anne@Grit and Giggles´s last blog post ..Reflections and Cyclones
Glad you are safe Amanda. I juts had a bit of rain 63mls but no wind thankfully but am ready for more this afternoon and tonight.
little bb
bushboy´s last blog post ..The Water Dragon
BB of Oz
Oh there is damage Colin. Serious damage. We just cannot get near to inspect. The bridge you see is actually impassable and will be for sometime… 🙁
Colin Huggins
No wonder you got the photo of Mr “I” from the back rather than a front on photo.
His glare might have cracked the camera??
I guess he will need a good long stiff drink.
Maybe you should join him, or do you need an excuse??? ha ha.
The bright side is – all those full dams and plenty of green grass.
Cheers from a still non-stop raining Brisbane!
Well, I am glad that you are all together. You know, last year was quite a year for your family. This one is shaping up to be unforgettable as well.
debby´s last blog post ..Update on Tim
Thanks for the update – I thought of you often. Remember, “this too shall pass”.
Kelly´s last blog post ..Shadow Shot Sunday #93
glad to hear you are all safe……….we could take some of that excess water……….
Chookyblue´s last blog post ..want a treat………..
Ellie k
Happy you got some rain, sorry it was all at once. Glad the storms were not too bad but so scary.