Have you been getting dry eyeballs keeping an eye out for me? Should I just go ahead and sack myself? What a perfectly shocking little blogger I am…
(Even iTunes has been wondering where I have been!)
I definitely own you lot a decent catch-up since my last feline-inspired post some 3 1/2 weeks ago…
Basically, I haz bin a bit bizzy. With you know… LIFE. Some of which includes:
Our cattle stud (Bimbadeen Brangus) will take part in Beef Australia – an event which takes place once every three years and is just HUGE in the cattle world (I think I described it to someone as ‘the Olympics for Cows’) and (as our chief – and only – marketing officer) I have gone into ‘turbo’ mode with a little re-branding, re-merchandising and re-calling how much work it all takes!
I have trawled through a few thousand images, rejigged a gazillion designs and my head is literally hurting from decision making.
I look a bit like Sparky here at the end of each day!
While I still have a mountain of designs to complete and orders to place, I am getting excited about our humble site at Beef 2015. I hope a few of you might even be in the vicinity of Rockhampton in early May, so we can catch up there!
We have also polished off the final round of branding (and innoculations) after getting the basic paddock boundaries back in working order after Cyclone Marcia.
This shot was taken as yet ANOTHER bit of wiped-out fencing was being repaired by my VERY busy husband, while the jillaroos took a little break (along with horses and dogs) in the shade…
Oh look… a horse-eye selfie! Never seen one of THOSE around here before! Heh.
Violet proving that ‘Sandy’ could be the best kids’ pony ever… what a patient horse. Also patient, our new jillaroo Meek (I think she prefers Miki, I shall see what sticks!) who is proving excellent with cattle and horses alike.
Another area which has sucked the weeks from my diary has been some post-cancer surgery. Just a little follow-up recontruction work, but enough to steal away a week in recovery time. I did have great intentions of blogging in that ‘down time’ in my hospital bed, but a combination of visitors (how lucky am I?) and ‘other projects’ (see first item mentioned in this list) took care of that.
I was so darned excited to get home again – while my nurses were fabulous and it was nice to catch up with some mates, THIS kind of sight did more for me than any painkillers!
We have also had Dash home from boarding school, battling the flu for almost two weeks. Poor little man – he has not been sick for the LONGEST time, and his Mama does tend to fuss (given that he has some history guaranteed to make us fussy). My poor hubby, dealing with invalids left, right and centre! No wonder he’s so keen to get back out in the paddock. Who could blame him?
I am starting to hit my straps again now though, and ticking off a few items on my mega ‘to do’ list.
Gratuitous ‘spurred on’ image!
I have been missing my interactions here though – would love to hear from you…
What have YOU been up to lately?
How is your TO DO LIST looking?
For some strange reason, none of your photos are coming through. Maybe it’s just my phone and I’ll be able to view things properly from my laptop tomorrow.
Anyway, it’s good to get an update from you. I had been wondering, especially after turning the page on my calendar last night. I’m sorry to hear about poor Dash’s bout with the flu. Glad you’re both back in working order!
Kelly´s last blog post ..One-sentence Movies Reviews #6
BB of Oz
You are not imagining it Kelly – a plugin on my backend (LOL) is playing up. Naughty thing. Trying to sort it!
Yay!! The words were good, but the photos put it over the top! So glad you got it sorted out. 🙂
Kelly´s last blog post ..The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins
Colin Huggins
Yep I can’t see anything either but with all this bloody rain in BNE.
I think the start of 40 days and 40 nights in biblical history has commenced!!!!!
Bummer – got nothing here either!
My to do list is pretty crazy too but I will just plug through it – all you can do really! Lovely to hear from you 😀 Glad you are poking along ok (albeit at a vast rate of knots) KA xx
Yes, the plug in on your back end is problematic. And you thought it was the perfect post! Well the words may have been.
Andrew´s last blog post ..Happy Easter
BB of Oz
I don’t know about the perfect post Andrew, but it’s sure improved with pics working! 😉
Well, I’m going to quit trying to bring up those pictures. 🙂
Can’t wait to see how your bull does in the competition.
debby´s last blog post ..Cheap entertainment
Tis fixed!!!!!!!!!!
Delighted to see you back again!! Have missed your blog big time!! Good luck in Rocky….
Jane (Trentham, Vic…but over here chasing storms in Kansas)
Jane´s last blog post ..…and we head off into the wide red yonder of America…..
BB of Oz
Thanks Jane! Have fun (and stay safe) in Kansas!!!
Yea, she’s back. Photos and all. Yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Nancy in Savannah
I’m glad that I checked in late (12:16 AM here in Savannah, “Jawja”, so I got to see all the lovely photos right where they were supposed to be! My life is extremely boring compared to yours, although I wish you didn’t have to deal with Dash’s illness and your own recovery. On the bright side, I am meeting my daughter for lunch tomorrow!
Gretchen in KS
So glad to “see” you back again! Very glad that some things seem to be moving right along, for you. Hope everyone heals up and gets back to feeling in tip top shape right quick-like.
Life’s been keeping me hopping, too, though not quite so much as you. No end in sight for me. Today I get to work ’till noon, then drive for about 8 hours (though there’s supposed to be a meeting with an online friend in the middle of that) so wish me luck!
Ahhh life seems to have a way of getting in the way of blogging. It is good to have you back though. Nothing particularly interesting has been happening in these parts. I hope your bit of extra surgery went well and that Dash is feeling better. Love seeing your photos and who couldn’t be glad to see a view like that and those swans, gorgeous.
Anne@GritandGiggles´s last blog post ..Happy Easter
carol alex
So glad you are back, missed you and the family. Sorry to hear that Dash has been sick, that flu really hangs on now days for some reason or other.
The pics are great!
carol alex
I forgot to say what I have been doing, spring cleaning, ’nuff said, LOL! Tonight we are under a tornado watch so I’m hoping we don’t have any.
Lynda M Otvos
Busy marks spring here in NorCalifornia.Drought conditions have made our planting for the summer a bit different-lots fewer vegetable crops and only one bed of Sunflowers. We buried a young member of our Village yesterday, a sorrowful occasion; his colors were red and white. The seven white doves released at the end brought us to our knees.
Lynda M Otvos´s last blog post ..In Memoriam-Miko Wheaton Pantoja