Dew beginnings…
Good mornin’!!
It was a mild, foggy, wintery morning here in my corner of the world. And the view was so cloaked in droplets and mist that I just had to snap a few pics in between dropping Violet at the school bus and having my own breakfast.
(Does anyone else do that? Get the rest of the household organised and AWAY before settling down to food themselves?)
Gossamer strings of miniscule droplets…
Buffel heads in their cobwebbed, dew-festooned morning glory…
Once the sun breaks through and the dew dries, you will never know this head filled with buffel seeds is held together with web!
Rhodes grass fronds in their spidery decor.
Obligatory barbed wire shot. Such a great contrast between spiky and hard and man-made, and delicate and free-form and fleeting…
A cockatoo stands guard in his steep perch…
Not keen on a close-up this early, he’s keeping an eye out for danger for his buddies down below…
Helping themselves to the hay bale below. (Cheeky beggars).
This dude couldn’t care less that the local paparazzi is snapping him getting his food everywhere!
He looked to be enjoying it so much, I was reminded about my own breakfast – I decided to let him be and cook a little somethin’ up for myself.
Hope everyone’s day started as sweetly as this one.
It looks like a beautiful start to the morning. I love all those cobwebs and those funny cockies. I love the early morning. I often go out and take photos before coming back for breakfast. I can be a bit selfish as there is just me and Mr Sparky and he organises himself for work.
Anne@GritandGiggles´s last blog post ..Travel Fails
Maureen Campbell
Some beautiful photos of your neck of the woods Amanda, love the cheeky cocky’s we have them here at Cherrypool in Victoria too, only they tractor the paddock digging up onion weed here, which is not a bad thing.
Hope you are feeling OK, from a one wing women, who has been following your journey….best wishes.xxx
Oh, the beautiful things one misses if they don’t take the time to stop and look!
These are just lovely. Thanks for sharing!
Kelly´s last blog post ..Science vs. Religion
Always! I feel that if I get all (ok, some) of the chores done I can really sit down and relax while having breakfast and a cup of coffee! That alone time really is one I treasure too xx
Great post!