Weaning adventures…
I have combined two days into one post, so grab that coffee/juice/wine and settle in…
Would you like to come mustering and weaning with us? (For my first horse ride since I was diagnosed almost a year ago!)
Climb on board Winchester with me…
He’s VEEEEERY TALL. Gentle but tall.
Me climbing (a fence so I can get) on with my bung knee is not an elegant sight. Trust me!
Violet and I set off from the yards to the north of the creek. (Mikki and Mr Incredible did the southern section of the paddock, out of sight).
The palomino and his jockey are confident at this game.
‘Oh ye take the high road, and I’ll take the low road…’
Violet didn’t know what the heck I was singing. (‘We aren’t going to Scotland Mum!)
She went along the creek checking for cattle, while I went higher into the timbered area…
We were gathering everything in quite nicely…
With some of the ‘calves’ almost as tall as their Mama’s…
And a few naughty red cows who USED to live in this paddock, putting themselves back into it over the past few weeks. This mob should all be black.
We talk to each other on two-way radios as we muster – as the cattle all came together, Violet went into the creek to chase out a recalcitrant cow.
Then she started screaming. On the two-way.
Mr I and I raced back to see what was wrong…
I’ll tell you what was wrong…
Her ‘Sandy’ got sandy, going down into some ‘quicksand’ which was really loose new sand deposited down along the creekbed during Cyclone Marcia. With water running just under the surface still, and no compaction of the sand in places, it’s a bit unsure underfoot.
She was fine (with a boot full of sand and water). But check out Mikki (red shirt)…
Just a minute after Violet’s on air dunking, Mikki did exactly the same thing. Trouble is, Mikki’s legs are longer…
And closer to the water/sand/quagmire…
A chilly start to the day!!
Evidence of Marcia all around. (This is a ‘dead’ windmill head).
Everyone was very cautious at all creek crossing from that point on…
You can see how deep Sandy went by the water marks on his hind legs!
An intriguing distraction along the way – a wedgetail eagle being hounded by a crow…
One the road to the yards… Mikki drying out on the wing!
Winny, Stella and Diamond pushing up the tail of the mob…
Just a little dust to add to the glamour of your day, Mikki!
And IN the yards… the cows and calves were then split and cows returned to paddocks. While some find their way back to the yards, it’s amazing how many don’t attempt to return to their weaned calves, especially the older cows who know the drill…
There is some calling out from the calves, but it soon stops, especially around feed time!
Some even like their meals hand-delivered!
A big tick for temperament, for this youngster!
Mr I loves standing in the middle of the mob just looking… it’s really a lovely time, getting to know our next generation of steers, heifers and bulls.
And last, but by no means least, after we feed everyone, we check these. At every single gate around the yards…
Because (while we love mustering) mass escapes during weaning are NOT MUCH FUN.
But that’s another story for another day!
Hope you enjoyed the ride!
After a cool start, it would have been a beautiful day. Thanks for taking us along, long time memories for me. Such beautiful country, horses and cattle. I bet you are pleased to be back in the saddle.
Was there any “sand” trouble for the cattle? As always, your stock look great.
Note: A nice sunny 82F along the valley of the great Ohio River, USA.
Have a fun day – Bill
Have I ever told you what a good storyteller you are? Both visually AND verbally? 😉
I thoroughly enjoyed this…and believe I saw some calendar-worthy photos along the way.
Kelly´s last blog post ..Crystal Nights by Dorte Hummelshøj Jakobsen
Now that looks like an eventful day. You must be glad to back in the saddle. I love your little distraction. Thanks for bringing me along on the ride, it was fun.
Anne@GritandGiggles´s last blog post ..Snap Frozen