Our local showgrounds came alive over the weekend, with a three-day Challenge event.

While I am no expert, this event consists of a combination of campdraft (working with cattle) and ‘dry work’ where horse and ride do a kind of fast-paced dressage showcasing their skills without a beast (the usual singular term for female or male bovines).
While things are busy at home with preg-testing our cows and handling of our weaner bulls, Violet and I snuck along to the showgrounds for a couple of hours on Sunday.

Thought I’d share a slideshow of some of my random shots (I have a new plugin which I am still learning to drive – so all fingers are crossed as I hit ‘publish’!)
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Sparkle and shine...
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Fab fashion ...
For the horses too!
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Spurs from the sidelines...
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Waiting their turn...
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The lineup...
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I like shiny BUTTS and I cannot lie...
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Waiting for the judge's nod...
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Cutting out - head to head.
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Cutting out action...
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Coming around second peg...
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Doing it easy...
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Dust 'n' hooves...
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Anthony on the shoulder...
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Around first peg...
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Ken in command...
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Looking to the gate...
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Four points for the course!
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Challenge close-up...
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Junior Challenge - nice stop Tom!
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Hacking like a pro!
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Tania coming around second peg...
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Racing for the gate...
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You beauty!
As you can see, it was a feast for the eyes – and yes, I am trying to track down the maker of those ladies shirts at the start!
I had to learn to use it, too. Took me a minute to realize each photo in the slideshow had a caption! Seems to work well!
Kelly´s last blog post ..Snake excitement
Love the series … I could be there getting dusty while looking along from home.
I am realising I need to up my blogging and knowledge of it.
Anne@GritandGiggles´s last blog post ..Winter Solstice
Colin H
Good to know that all is well up your way.
The cattle in the campdraft section of the slide show all look in good nick.
No Violet, Dash or T.O.H. competing???
Ellie kennedy
I always find it interesting to see what sort of trailers people haul horses and cattle in. Looking in the back ground I see a number of styles. Would you show some up close when you have the time?