Horse girls
I always adored horses as a little girl… it’s a passion I still fell, although these days a wrecked knee and other pursuits (like photography and blogging!) soak up the time I once spent grooming, plaiting, rugging and generally dreaming pony dreams.
While Dash likes riding and has a natural cow sense that is hard to teach, it is Violet who has inherited the mad-keen on all-things-equine gene. She’s a die-hard Guy McLean fan, will read anything horse-related and has admired a young local horsewoman from afar for years now.
Some of you who have been around for a while will recall a pretty teenager who does some of the type of horse training that Guy Mclean is famous for – known as Liberty work. It is where the trainer works with his animals with the use of minimal or no saddlery whatsoever.
I am sure that to all onlookers this is a remarkable feat – to those who have worked with horses in any capacity (and rely on their tack – bridles, saddles, halters etc) it’s kind of gobsmackingly awesome!
Breanna (and her main strapper, driver and support crew, Mum Janette) have been travelling the shows lately, through Central Queensland, showcasing her amazing skills.
They very kindly invited Violet to take part in some of her training recently – and I thought you might like a peek into what happened this sunny Sunday afternoon…
These horses have been turned out for a little while, so the bond and commands are reinforced before they go ‘lead free’.
Those ‘whips’ barely touch the animal – I think this is ‘Scooter’ – they are more like flags, giving signals about which way the trainer would like the horse to go… you will see better later in the series.
A very nervous Violet was given ‘command’ after Breanna had shown her the basics.
Getting the Scooter to move around at a slow hack in a circle…
Ever seen that sweet combination of joy and excitement on a kid’s face?
You have now…
Move onto ‘the spot’ – good boy!
This ‘trick’ almost gave me heart failure.
The ‘run to me’ command was given (seriously, he was cantering!)…
And the ‘STOP’.
Thank goodness!
I believe this is the NON-technical way to move the horse OFF the spot! Ha!
Breanna then demonstrated some amazing liberty work with two horses.
She moved this pair over an entire course – was amazing to watch.
Violet took up a front row seat on a special ‘chair’…
Before Breanna showed her what that ‘chair’ (Levi) could do too!
The trust, the complete and utter trust… even with two humans and a dog on top of him!
Beautiful to behold.
The smile on our daughter’s face didn’t budge for about 24 hours…
And I am pretty sure that at nights, she is dreaming about THIS kind of thing…
Utter horse-mad-girl BLISS.
Our girl is sold… her horses Chi Chi and Sandy don’t know what has hit them. They are already following her on command without a lead. Time will tell if her patience is as solid as her young mentor…
Love it….I grew one of those…sadly she also has back and knee issues now…
She had a great mentor, also a flea bitten grey mare we bought at the sales …she threw a gorgeous chestnut filly (surprise!!)…that my daughter handled and gentled in…and could do anything with…
That love..care and patience she learned with her horses has converted to a wonderful foster carer and care giver to anyone and anything that needs her…
I hope Violet continues with her passion..
Thankyou for sharing……:)
Lovely to see the joy both girls have in sharing their passion.
BB of Oz
Yes, a beautiful thing!!!!
Not a horse person – this is all foreign to me… but I certainly enjoyed the well-narrated series of photos you shared here.
Perhaps Violet has found her true calling?! (everyone should have a passion…I’m still looking for mine 😉 )
Kelly´s last blog post ..The last of Mario Silva
I feel 110% blessed to be able to witness Breanna working with her horses. I am ‘blown away’ by what the horses are willing to ‘take on’ under her instruction. The feeling when the horse ‘understands’ what is being asked and then follows through with that command is unbelievable. Its just magic! I am fortunate to be Breanna’s mum. (Not only because she works ‘magic’ with the horses!)Thanks Mandy for the blog!
Amber Rhodes
This was brilliant! What a wonderful experience. How lucky she was to have the chance to do this. Beautiful photos too.
Amber Rhodes´s last blog post ..Rainy Day