2015 has been quite a year so far…
While I have been recovering from chemo, and growing back my (now-silver) hair, I have also been fielding all kinds of incredible opportunities. I cannot yet talk about all of them (yep, totally teasing you) there are a few which I AM ready to share…
Today I am off to a High Tea – in Brisbane (aka The Big Smoke) where I am being a ‘sponsor’ – pretty much the first time I have taken my blog photography seriously enough to consider this section of it ‘a business’.
Theses are two of the gorgeously framed images of mine that will go home with another attendee today…
‘Denim & Spur’
‘Mill Reflections’…
A couple of the other images I will be taking along as ‘decor’ and will be for sale are…
‘Rain Dancing’
‘Hand of the Man’
and ‘Bees and Bloom’.
I will also be holding a workshop at the upcoming QRRRWN Conference (in Biloela, Qld) on ‘Bush Blogging – Telling Your Story Your Way’. I am alternately excited and terrified by this opportunity – I am not a confident public speaker but I am VERY passionate about sharing my incredible experience as a bush blogger, and encouraging others to add their voices in telling the story of their own worlds, and adding their ‘squares’ to the patchwork of the story of rural Australia.
I am quite concerned that the 45 minutes allocated to me might not be enough! My mother will be there, which will also alternately reassure me and make me totally nervous. (Is this weird?)
If you are thinking of attending this incredible event (I attended one two years ago in Blackall – it was inspiring and quite fabulous) then please sign up – would love to see you there!*
Things have been quieter than usual on this blog – with some huge events (like Beef 2015) dragging my energy elsewhere and my ongoing battle with slow (and sometimes non-existent) internet. (I am uploading this in Brisbane on SERIOUSLY fast internet which is giving me whiplash!)
I need to up my blogging game again – as much for me, as for my wonderful readers from all corners of the globe.
I miss sharing moments of utter joy, like this…
And the moments of breath-taking action like this.
And the magic of inter-species friendships, like this.
Who would have thought that all of these simple things would add up to such incredible opportunities?
So, the spirit of taking this thing more seriously, my card!
And a spanking new ‘logo’ – whipped up on demand yesterday morning in ten minutes…
I have never taken any of this (or myself) terribly seriously. But I do realise that I paint a picture for people who cannot live this life and want to explore it, and understand it. I adore checking my stats to see where visitors are arriving from – and I adore comments even more!
The fact that this blog is to thank for so many opportunities, friendships and moments blows my mind more than a little.
And to you, my readers, for being part of the ride I am on… I am truly humbled that each of you take precious time from their day to saddle up alongside me. From the bottom of my heart…
*My workshop – ‘The HOW, WHAT, WHERE, WHY and WHEN of building a bush blog’ – is session three, on Saturday morning.
Gail Robertson
Hi Amanda, have been following you for a while now and love your insight into the world where you are. You are a remarkable lady and it’s been a pleasure to share part of the ride with you. Good luck with everything, not that you need it. It’s a foregone conclusion that you will be great and you will have a ball. So many people to meet and learn from and share knowledge with. Just keep on doing what you do best….being you. xx
Norma Ainsworth
You do such a wonderful job of pulling us into your world with your blog that I have no doubt you will be an inspiring speaker. If Alabama was a little closer to Australia I would attend. Perhaps a video of you speaking might be available down the road. Sending prayers your way for much success with the chemo. It’s bad and good rolled up in one package.
Love to be with you at the High tea but other plans have been made so maybe next time. Amazing how a little puppy brought you into my world and the pleasures it has produced. Have a wild time. Sometimes we need it.
Congratulations on taking this step in a new direction! You are certainly qualified and will do a great job of things all around. I’m sure of it!
I do hope to see you here more, too. I’ve missed your posts and your photos (that one with the pups totally melted me, by the way…).
Kelly´s last blog post ..New Foods
I have missed your posts as well and see your life through your lens but I also know you’ve had a lot going on and that when the dust settled you would be back. Well done on taking yourself seriously as a sponsor, I think everyone here has always taken you seriously. I hope whatever you are planning in the way of being serious works out well and brings you joy. You deserve it! Good luck with the conference, I am sure you will do well. A logo in a few minutes … that blew my mind. I have no idea how to even attempt that stuff, although it looks like fun.
Anne@GritandGiggles´s last blog post ..Lines, Feathers and Changing Colours
Fleur McDonald
So, so, SOOOO excited for you!
Silver, not grey, hehe. Must remember that. I wonder if Mrs Worthington’s daughter will be on the stage? Or screen at least?
The new card is good. Fort better or worse, we live in a time of social media.
I have no desire to live your life, but it interesting to read about your bush home and business, which is a bit more than just a business.
Andrew´s last blog post ..Day 20 US, 10/07, NY, High Line & MOMA
Wishing you success and a fun future.
Bill, from the valley of the great Ohio River, USA
i’m sure the workshop at the womens gathering will go well……
Chookyblue´s last blog post ..a new blogger………
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Have fun in Brisbane for the EKKA.
At least so far the weather has been great – no bloody winds.
Sam - Journo and the Joker
Oh congratulations! So many exciting things on the cards. I love seeing your pics and hearing your bush stories. Good luck with all the new opportunities.
Sam – Journo and the Joker´s last blog post ..Postcard Greetings – from Phuket, Thailand