Sweet things in the Big Smoke
So I attended a very cool event in Brisbane town on Friday…
I had been invited to the QRRRWN (Rural, Regional and Remote Women’s Network) High Tea -held at the Marriot Hotel in the city.
I’m a bit like a kid in a candy store when it comes to nice accomodation…
Six pillows for one person – absolute luxury!!!
(I still brought my own though, is that weird?)
The Marriot room (I think it was a standard one) has the loveliest vintage-feeling bathroom too – seperate shower and bath thankyouverymuch.
Nice city views …
Love the juxtaposition of old and new. (Also love the word juxtaposition!)
It’s funny how some things ‘happen’ and push you from one viewpoint of yourself, to another… this trip somehow made me look at my blogging more seriously.
You will see I have even taken to adding my ‘logo’ to my images now.
Be reassured though, I will do my darnedest not to take MYSELF too seriously. That WOULD be tragic.
Downstairs, in the events room, the most fabulous ‘High Tea’ was put on for us all…
Scones (well I guess they figured we’d like something familiar?) and some delicious pastries and ‘sandwich-stacks’ (am sure there is a fancy word for them, but that’s what they looked like to me! They even had some shiny apples…
I stayed away from the healthy stuff (and tried some pastry).
Can we have too many pastry #foodporn photos?
Of course, there were wall-to-wall amazing women…
Georgie Somerset, dynamo, beef producer, VP of Agforce Qld (above) and immediate past President of QRRRWN.
(Did I mention she’s also a top chick?).
Alison Mobbs, current president of QRRRWN – her Twitter profile describes Alison as a ‘Queensland beef producer, educator, community builder. Optimist, idealist, vocalist, lover of life’. Living at Longreach.
She is all that and more…
This was a partial view of 150 women (and two brave blokes) getting ready to be inspired…
And these are the ladies who inspired…
Georgie (being interviewer) with Robyn Bryant, from Mitchell in SW Qld who manages motherhood to three young children with leadership roles in her industry bodies…
Jenny Underwood, who is facing down the terrible drought in her corner of Australia – between Hughenden and Longreach – with humour and a camera (great combo!)
… and Genevieve Gleeson (right) who shared her story of resiliance from the ravages of Cyclone Marcia (you might remember our story from the same terrible storm).
I have been online buddies with Jenny for some time now – laughing (and getting close to tears) with her as she posts up an image from her day (or her archives) with a relevent song title and the hashtag #onedaycloser. Today’s image, for example, is of a newborn calf …
Caption: “It’s A Kind Of Magic”
She gives me earworm most days – I shall be singing Queen as I head off on the bus run today, for sure!
It was so wonderful to finally meet her – she is warm and funny and strong and brilliant in real life too! She also took this shot when I caught up with this very this well-known media identity…
Robin McConchie. Robin is the executive producer (and long-time presenter) of the Queensland Country Hour on ABC radio. Her voice is warm and familiar – her wit pretty darned sharp, and her photography pretty neat too. She is also a little brutal behind the lense if you are not ready for her!
Remember these lovely delicacies?
Well Robin caught me trying out the sugar ‘leaf’ from that rose decoration on the brownie…
This was the result! Apparently it was a bit crunchy… actually we decided we were notat all sure they were supposed to be eaten.
This image also reminded me that I must check the BACK of my hairdo when preparing for being viewed in public in future.
Clearly I am out of practice! Heh!
Perhaps I am still trying to remove rose leaf from my teeth in this one?
Hoping that this one doesn’t accurately reflect my ‘resting face’. I believe I have hit on the main reason ‘selfies’ are so popular… self-editing!
Anyone recognise this chick? There is much to be said for the old lense-in-front-of-face and rain-on-mirror filter effect.
Perhaps I should come up with an app? I could call it the ‘Bush Babe Mask’. Any takers?
Anyway, enough of my vanity… back to the gathering.
It was a wonderful event – my beautiful aunt and neighbour Bron (of Boogal Brahmans) joined me, and we laughed and cried with the stories told of motherhood under duress, surviving seemingly-endless droughts, dealing with floods and beaurocracy.
I caught up with many other active on-liners – like Trish from Bush Kids – and talked until I jaw ached. I would have done more selfies and people pics, but my phone decided to go into a coma just as proceedings were getting underway. I almost had a meltdown with no phone… no pics, no tweeting, no contacting my family and no going out in case they wanted to contact me (because I literally CANNOT go a day without talking to any of them!).
So (post high tea) I stayed in my room and worked photos and drank complimentary pinot gris and ate from the room service menu. Pretty much my idea of a good time! Sad but true!
And less than 24 hours later I was back here …
Arriving home, on my country roads, to the place, I belong… (Jenny would be proud!)
Ready to crash in my own bed, before hitting the road to see our girl in action on a horse. (But that’s another story, for another post!)
Gail Robertson
Brilliant…as always. As for those pastries…I’m sure you should take along some of your followers, so we could taste test for you…only to save you the bother of course!!! 🙂
Noela Oswin
Thanks for the great coverage of the QRRRWN event. So pleased to have been there as the proud parent of Jenny Underwood and to have talked with you. The vibe in the room was just magic!
Super read, as always.
Get so much enjoyment out of it all, and love the photos
Love the blog. Love the food porn pastries; I’ll take your word that they tasted great. I need to go and be your’food checkerouter’.
To stay for too long in the city, takes away the enjoyment of the flying dash.
Robin McConchie
This is fantastic. I look forward to reading of your adventures, this is the first blog I have ever read and it is a bit like QRRRWN, inspirational! thanks Amanda. Rob
BB of Oz
Well I am honoured Robin – there’s a bit of back-reading here for you to while away the hours! LOL. Welcome!
Just anecdotal, mainly from reading your blog, but there does seem to be a disproportionate number of high achieving women in your world and your part of our country.
Andrew´s last blog post ..Day 23 US, 13/07, NY, Central Park Zoo and Homeward Bound
BB of Oz
Oh I think they are everywhere Andrew… some are just a big quiet. They need networks like QRRRWN to be spotlit a bit better! 🙂 Thanks for your regular comments – love having your perspective reflected here.
Bit short on words…. <3
I know it’s not supposed to be the focus of this post, but I’m still stuck on those beautiful pastries! 😉
Kelly´s last blog post ..All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr
Miss Chardy
Oh Amanda, looked like a wonderful time. How delicious do those pastries look, yum. And I too love a good hotel. No, I don’t think that is what your “resting face” would look like, ha ha ha. Love the photos!
BB of Oz
Thanks Miss Chardy – one day, we will meet up!! Perhaps in a nice hotel room somewhere!!! 🙂
K a t i e
I would for sure but that app! That high tea looks amazing, and that calf! Ohhhhh!
Courtney Mecca
As time progresses, CJ aids Sweet in re-establishing the Grove Street Families once more by removing drug dealers from the streets and re-gaining lost gang territory. After Smoke’s death and the fiery destruction of his drug palace, Officer Tenpenny flees from the scene in a fire truck.