There is a delicate balance around the house yard and the house paddock here…
INSIDE the HOUSEYARD: hoses to try to keep the crispy brown grass at bay; wheelbarrows for the sporadic gardening action that takes place, a Great Dane who is of the understanding he owns the joint.
OUTSIDE in the HOUSE PADDOCK: Vehicles (unless they are being washed = rarely) and animals of the bovine and equine species.
Most of the time, everyone accepts these guidelines.
Aren’t they cute? Three of our ‘big boys’ snuggling in the sparse shadows of our leafless Liquid Amber…
Nawwww… butter would NOT melt. Positively cuddly.
Sometime after this bucolic scene… two of these same bulls discovered an unchained gate.
‘Kosciuszko’ and ‘Kakadu’ (aka Koz and Kak) decided the grass WAS DEFINITELY greener and if they TIP-TOED and looked as exceptionally INNOCENT, they might possibly get away with a sly invasion.
Tip-toeing bulls on patios is a frightening sight and sound…
You can see how well they blended in.
KOZ: If I stay VERY still, ignore oncoming ducks, and look like a flower, perhaps?
KAK: If I face away from the woman and her camera, perhaps she will JUST GO AWAY…
We can pretend nothing happened?
KOZ: Ooohhh… look! Hay… pretty sure the crazy lady won’t be needing this!
Amanda: RIGHT you two.. the party is over! Stop eating my mulch!
This shot captured after some ‘drafting’ which thoroughly tested my dodgy knees and the perilous mental edge I had in blocking animals over ten times my size. Armed only with my Nikon! Finally…
And yes, he dodged the car. Not sure how I would have explained that one to the insurance assessor!
In the meantime…
Axel… get BACK inside the house yard!
Seriously… it’s like herding cats around here sometimes..
O.M.G.!! You had me laughing so much with this post!!! 😀 (your narration is priceless)
Those ducks looks a bit alarmed at the sight of the invader. And Axel (of course) had to get in on the action!
Thanks for such a fun entry! 🙂
Kelly´s last blog post ..Deadly Election by Lindsey Davis
Dog out, bull in: Oh that should be dog in, bull out. Great laugh, herding cats I can’t imagine happening.
What else can I add to the previous comments. Loved it. Great start to the morning.
Haha I love it! What a beautiful life 🙂
Amy´s last blog post ..THE GOWN
Haha, oh dear. I hope they didn’t do much garden damage. I remember the milkers doing the same thing when out on the station. Convincing them they wanted to leave was always fun but then so was convincing the chooks to leave the vege patch and rounding up escaped piglets.
Anne@GritandGiggles´s last blog post ..Rundown of last week
BB of Oz
Never a dull moment!!!
Good morning and thanks for the smile.
BB of Oz
Anytime Bill!! 😉
Hippomanic Jen
Love this post. Love even more the fact that you took the time to photograph it at the risk of your carefully watered plants.
BB of Oz
LOL… I had to. Missed the action as I tried to chase them out. Certainly not up to THAT level of multitasking!
Kim Rabbidge
Lovely post. Maybe lucky the bulls didn’t visit after rain. The lawn divots would have taken a bit of filling 🙂
Kim Rabbidge´s last blog post ..Is Bhutan on your ‘must-see’ list?
BB of Oz
LOL – yes… still sank in where they got ‘skippy’!!! 😉
carol alex
Those huge bulls would just keep on eating if I was the only one there to chase them, Ha! I am a Chicken Little when it comes to that sport.
Love this blog, it keeps me laughing.