Pretty PEEEAS!
Even though I am pretty much house-bound at the moment (cue violins)… I am lucky to have a large deck on our house to which I escape the walls on a regular basis.
My right leg is healing well (I think) and left ankle tendons are coming good. Patience is a virtue I am trying frantically to cultivate… my respect for wheelchair drivers is at an all-time high! These suckers are not that easy to navigate with – and I have the skin off my knuckles (thanks to door jambs) to prove it.
Thankfully my family are looking after me fabulously (children starting to get a little tired of being Mum’s ‘go-for’) and my veggie garden is proving that my earlier cultivation activities were not in vain.
Especially the snow peas!
There are dozens and dozens of them being harvested (by Violet) every couple of days…
And I have to say, they are the crunchiest, sweetest snow peas EVER…
Can you guess my snack-of-choice at the moment?
Nom nom nom!!
Washed down with?
Well, I didn’t want to be TOO healthy. Heh.
Aussie grown Grapes and peas – gotta be good for you, no?
PS If anyone has a can of Patience spare, please send it stat. My stash appears to be evaporating.
It’s great to see you can blog about anything. Nothing nicer than fresh picked and self grown snow peas. Take care and no, I Don’t have any spare patience; keeping that in store for my next big adventure with my loving Mum at the end of month.
Good luck finding the patience … hopefully someone has some to spare. It is good that you can get out on the veranda, a slight change of scene. Snow peas, oh I love them but so far I have managed to grow 1 pod. Our beans went gangbusters though and the tomatoes have been paper bagged because I am over the birds eating them all on me. Hopefully you’ll be back up and about soon. Breath … and count to 10 😉
Anne@GritandGiggles´s last blog post ..Four years ago …
I’ve found my best solution to a lack of patience is distraction.
What a healthy snack to distract oneself with, too! Yum!
Kelly´s last blog post ..Shadow Shot Sunday #96
Amber Rhodes
Just yesterday my husband got the soil for my new veggie boxes that he made. Now I can finally start planting! Your snowpeas look great, can’t wait for my own harvest!
Amber Rhodes´s last blog post ..Sewing: Farmers Market Bag
Agricultural Blogs
Dear Troy Hadrick, thank you for your excellent article you put the title “Pretty PEEEAS!”. By the way, I am very impressed by your exellent farm photography. Did you do any photoshop work on it? Keep it up. waiting for your reply!
Agricultural Blogs´s last blog post ..10 Secrets of Sweet Potato (Untapped)