Triumphs & tragedies
After my epic posts recently, I have decided to take it easy on you, and bring you up-to-date in a ‘bullet point format’.
Things have been a little roller-coaster-ish lately. Are you buckled in for a short, sharp ride? Giddy up then…
- School holidays started badly with a gorgeous prized heavily-in-calf stud heifer being hit by a car – she and calf both killed. HEARTBREAKING.
- Dash had a great holidays here (sharing part of it with a mate here, and visiting one at his family’s bull sale). EXCELLENT.
- We had my beautiful friends Lou and Kaz bring their delightful kids for a 5 day visit. I had a sore left foot and it got massaged and had a pedicure. MAGIC.
- I broke my leg the last afternoon they were here. I was just walking when I did it. Not even a great story! BUGGAR.
- My friend Lou had been home just a few days when this freak accident happened. I almost had a heart attack when I saw it on the news… talk about LUCKY and UNLUCKY… and just lucky. I just want to hold the three of them for about a month. SCARY.
- I have had to learn to use a wheelchair (temporarily) as I try to encourage a torn tendon (left foot) and broken leg (right) to heal. TRICKY.
- I am supposed to wear two moon boots (when I use crutches). I look like Astro Boy, without the flying part. FUNNY.
- After several attempts, Violet’s ducks FINALLY decided to sit on their eggs… and three hatched this week. VERY, VERY EXCITING.
- Crows found the nest yesterday morning and took ducklings, eggs, daughter’s joy and our sense of humour. DEVESTATING.
This is not one of the actual ducklings taken – this was the Daddy duck back when he was a baby. I didn’t even get to photograph the new babies…
I am soooo not a fan of crows. Bloody things.
A huge cage is being constructed by Mr Incredible and Violet this afternoon, to be set down over whichever female lays and sits next.
Poor Mother Duck.
She’s the one at the top left of this pic. But not the peewee. (Now you are being silly).
In other news:
- the 2016 Bush Babe of Oz calendar is ALMOST complete. WHEW!
- My husband deserves an award for trying to do EVERYTHING around here while I am hobbling or wheeling around. And he hardly gets cranky at ALL that I am on the computer so much. I finally have the perfect excuse. 😉
- My sister and my mother and sister-in-law have pitched in to help out too. I hate having to depend on other people. But I have to at the moment. And people still actually want to, which is kind of remarkable given my attitude. LUCKY me!
- I have so very many friends who are in the midst of this god-awful drought out west – it’s getting dry here, but out there it’s totally desolate. There are some stories that would make your toes curl. And break your heart. It’s HORRIBLE.
- These same friends possess the most incredible sense of humour… it’s how they survive. Some are using social media to share their spirit and their humour (with the hashtag #onedaycloser) which is actually the PERFECT use for it, don’t you think? UPLIFTING.
- There have been storms around here which have been dumping reasonable falls here and there. Mostly there. Although, as I type this, I hear a little somethin’ on the roof. And that makes me happy for us, and sad that it’s not falling out west where it could be life-changing. CONFLICTED.
So I have been all 🙁 and 🙂 this past few weeks.
I am so ready for some boring…
Although if there is some rain in the middle of that boring, I promise I won’t complain. And if it falls out west, I will be DANCING in spite of these moon boots!
Man! You got me with the first and the last bullet points (plus a couple in between). Probably best you didn’t get any photos of the lost ducklings… 🙁 Life with animals can be rough at times.
We’ve had the tiniest bit of rain with (hopefully!!) more on the way. The drought in my neck of the woods had gotten mighty serious, so I’m thrilled (to say the least!).
Kelly´s last blog post ..Ten years!
You certainly have been riding a rollercoaster and after that I bet a nice flat piece of road would be nice. I am wishing I could blow some of the rain we’ve been getting west where it is more needed. Ican just imagine your astroboy look and iI hate crows too.
anne@gritandgiggles´s last blog post ..Red Reflections
I never realized that crows would do such a thing. Poor mama duck. Poor mama Violet!