48 hours
It’s fair to say that Bay Leaf the half-dairy half Brangus cow is one of the most popular creatures here at our place – both on-property and online!
So when she gave birth to her second calf last week (while I was away picking up Dash from boarding school) there were celebrations galore!
I couldn’t wait to get down the paddock and check him out for myself…
We have lots of little poddies around the house – most of them are little black Brangus, many are ’embryo transfer’ calves.
The Bay Bee however, boasts some lovely red Brangus and AIS (dairy) bloodlines…
He has strange blue eyes and VERY large ears. Cute as a button!
He’s VERY VERY quiet… like his darling mama… and has been inundated with lovin’!
Mark (Mr Incredible) went away over the weekend – to Adelaide with some mates to the first day-night Test match. While he was gone we had successive storms.
These were glorious and noisy and filled with amazing light shows, and made our outlook so much more vibrant, but came at a small price… blackouts!
Dash and Violet and I played card and board games by torchlight on three consecutive nights!
Axel even thought he’d have a go. Actually he is petrified of storms (as only a Great Dane can be) and stayed as close to me as caninely possible! (NB I am aware this is possibly my worst angle, but how funny is his great goofy face?)
And during these storms, amid all the thunder and lightning and heavy bursts of rain … this little guy went missing.
I didn’t panic immediately – bovine mums often ‘park’ their bubs when they are little, as they graze.
But Bay Leaf didn’t look to find him each time we drove out and visited her. She’d just … eat. And eat. And look around when I ‘bellowed’ … and then eat some more.
This went on for TWO FULL DAYS.
We had our bike in at the mechanics, Mark had the ute, and I am still pretty lame-post broken leg so we could only check in the car. We kept spotting EVERY other calf in the mob, and Bay Leaf, but NO Bay Bee.
Husband arrived home Monday lunchtime (slightly weary) from his trip, to me begging him to go look for this wayward calf. By this stage I was pretty sure something awful had happened.
Bay Leaf’s udder was clearly unsucked and HUGE.
After another hour of searching, he reported back, sadly, that there was no sign of any calf.
Our hearts sank.
Then, yesterday afternoon, we looked down the hill and …
A bit tucked up (thirsty) but seemingly fine.
His Mama was clearly sore though, and uncomfortable as he tried to suckle, so we brought her in to milk out the worst of the built-up supply.
She had one blocked teat too, requiring a bit more attention (and a leg rope!).
The little man was clearly non-plussed at all the fuss.
Come on Mum – it’s drink time again! Even if you do poop on my head when I’m trying to sneak in from behind while you are eating!
Of course Bay Leaf strolled out of the crush, only slightly miffed at the activity around her udder, and did what she did best… EAT.
As for Bay Bee… he was plumb-tuckered out!
No-one was more relieved than Violet…
Although her Mum came a VERY close second!
What an eventful few days. Oh, Bay Leaf’s calf is gorgeous and I love the kid’s relationship with Bay Leaf. I’m glad your little wayward adventurer turned up.
I remember board games by torchlight/ candlelight as a kid, and showers and dinner, at this time of year. I’m glad the storms are back.
Anne@GritandGiggles´s last blog post ..Hazy Mountains
What a gorgeous calf! Glad to hear the story had a happy ending 🙂
Amy´s last blog post ..Some pictures and some thoughts.
Oh my goodness! That was very scary, I’m so happy he came home safe and sound. I had no idea a brand new calf could survive for two days on their own. They are tough! I wonder where he got to and why bay leaf didn’t look for him. Very happy for you and miss violet 😘
Lovely story, with a happy ending.
Andrew´s last blog post ..Sunday Selections
I know from past experience, endings here aren’t always of the happy sort…so glad to see the Bay Bee home safe and sound at the end of this post! Whew! He really is cute. 🙂
Kelly´s last blog post ..I’m really not cold-hearted – or clueless
Ooooooohhh!!! I LOVE Rumikub. And Uno! And although I love a good mystery, well, I was not fond of Bay Bee’s adventure. Where on earth do you suppose he went?!
Did he get sponged down a bit before kissing his head continued? I’m all for kissing cows, but that was a tiny bit ICK. 😉
Phew! Thank goodness!