Why I do, what I do
For the second time in a fortnight, I find myself in Brisbane (The Big Smoke) today.
Not that I don’t love visiting, and not that each visit hasn’t been for excellent reasons… it’s just that 1100km round trips do take it out of me these days! Last week, I had nine medical appointments and met up with 15 friends in two and a half days (I know – was rather proud of that effort myself).
Best of all – I got a ‘clear’ report from my oncologist so I got to celebrate there too. Apparently they don’t bandy around the term ‘remission’ quite as easily as they used to, but I certainly left that particular appointment with a big spring in my step.
This visit I am down to ONE medical appointment (go me) and a lunch at Tattersalls. I am a finalist in the Queensland Rural Press Awards (for social media category) which is quite exciting – and they have asked all finalists to prepare a short speech ‘just in case’. It’s made me look back over this blog, and my social media activities, and take a good look at how it has evolved.
It amazes me how much the blog itself has morphed over the eight years I have been ‘Bush Babe of Oz’. My first effort was soooo self-conscious and unsure. I found my footing somewhere along the way, egged on by my lovely, loyal readers and friends. This blog now has visitors from all over the world, from urban and rural backgrounds, and has brought me the most wonderful opportunities.
This is me when I started blogging (my 40th birthday party with my handsome hubby).
This is us these days…
Holy changes, Batman!
But aside from physical ‘progress’ I have been contemplating the WHY of my blogging.
I ‘opened the window’ up to you all in 2008. Because, for me, NOT sharing the incredible beauty, stories and opportunities my family have here would have been a crime.
Moments like this….
Violet and iTunes (whose birth you all witnessed) sharing a moment a couple of days ago.
And this…
Violet counting out the steers with lush grass framing the scene.
And this…
Dash and a grasshopper communing.
And this…
Dash with a bull, with our flooded river providing a glorious backdrop.
Or this…
Dash and cousins’ kids revelling in riverside mud.
And this…
Our crazy cow ‘Bay Leaf’ (whom we have followed since birth and the loss of her divine mama) being a ‘bovine bride’ (after investigating the veggie garden).
Or even this…
Same crazy cow, delivering her own first baby safely near our house.
And photobombing equine portrait sessions. (She’s after hay. She’s ALWAYS after hay!)
And scenes like this…
And this…
And this…
This place gives me a chance to share. Sharing the moments, big and small.
It gives me a voice.
A chance to cover the good and the glorious, the sad and the sorry.
It gives you a chance to ask questions.
And it gives me a chance to answer them.
A chance for us to find our commonalities, explore our differences, get to know and understand each other.
And I can’t think of anything I’d rather be doing, than using this tool to share and discuss.
Thanks to everyone who has helped, encouraged, challenged, questioned and just plain commented over the past eight years.
Thank you for opening the window into our beautiful bush world for so many people, Amanda.
Good luck with the awards today – you are definitely a winner (always) in our eyes.
Thankyou… your good wishes worked! xx
I love reading about the things your family get up to good and bad, happy and sad (has the puppy returned home?)
Good luck with the award.
Fingers crossed
Sorry Bronwyn… the ‘Stella’ story has no happy ending. 🙁 Thankyou for your kind wishes – they worked!
And thank you for sharing! Good luck at the awards and enjoy that faster internet. I’ve loved reading along and will continue to.
Also, WOOHOOon the all clear!!!
Anne@GritandGiggles´s last blog post ..Sunrise Wanderings
I KNOW, right? Thanks Anne. x
Sally Griffin
Good luck and thank you for blogging!!!
You are VERY welcome Sally. x
You give me a peek into a world that is lovely and timeless and magical too. Thank YOU!
THankyou Debby – I count meeting you as one of the amazing opportunities blogging has given me xx
Carrie M.
Glad to be here! Thank you
Most welcome! 😀
Have followed you and your human and animal family for years.. Can’t imagine you not being in my computer. Good luck.
Big thank you for sharing.
A big thank you for joining me! x
Congratulations on numerous counts: “clear” medical reports, all the safe travel, AND your award win!
I loved this look back into your world and am truly thankful I “found” you. Given you’ve graced the wall (with your beautiful calendars) in my computer room for years, I think of you more often than you realize.
Kelly´s last blog post ..Non-chickpea Hummus
Lynda M Otvos
Your blog has taught me so much in the last near-decade. It has opened windows to vistas that in real life elude me and yet fascinate and inspire me thru your lenses.
Congratulations on the clearance from the health team–that’s a lot of appointments and visitors to see in such a short time-do you need a rest from the adventure? May good reports follow you all the days of your life.
The photos of your kids with the animals on your spread are my absolute favorites–is there anything sweeter than a child with a huge critter’s head on its shoulder ?~! The expressions on the kids’ faces – incredible way to grow up.
Lynda M Otvos´s last blog post ..Wish I had Seen This in Real Life
I found your blog today and have enjoyed reading it and looking at your gorgeous photos. I hope I can figure out how to follow you. Congratulations doesn’t seem like the right word, but for a lack of a better one…congratulations on a good report from your doctors.
You have done a fine job and guided my learning about Oz. I recall when you were seeking the 100 followers mark. Wishing Happy trails.
From the valley of the great Ohio River –
Helen Dobbin
I’ve only very recently found you and am delighting in your blog and photography. I do hope you will still be blogging in another 8 years.
Helen Dobbin´s last blog post ..For ‘County Mum’
great news getting the all clear……….always enjoy seeing what your up to and the more we get to share our unique rural lifestyles the better I say……….