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Mikado @ Monto

It’s been a hectic week… with 1800 km travelling, multiple events to attend and a birthday to celebrate (posts coming soon on some of those highlights) I am a bit faded round the edges today.

However, my darling Mother had arranged tickets to the Opera@Cania – so I girded my weary legs, got the family dressed appropriately (nice but cool, it’s stinking hot here despite being mid-March) and headed to one of the most scenic places in our region (and Queensland!).

opera_4851 eI am going to admit right up front that I am not an opera buff.

I have NEVER been to the opera, but the chance to celebrate something fabulous (and cultural) in our community was too good to miss.

We attended with family and friends in a gorgeous marquee set up near the banks of Cania Dam.

opera_1930Those who have been around a while might recognise (at the table in the foreground) my Dad talking to his brother (Tex) with my aunt (Bron) chatting to a neighbour, Kris.

opera_1946Bron is pretty much as snap-happy as me – I sprung her taking a sweet selfie before our meals arrived.  I imagine others looking on shaking their heads at me taking a photo of Bron taking a photo… ha!

The meals were SUPERB…

opera_1936I had atlantic salmon on the most glorious salad… scumptious and I still got to feel rather virtuous.

Dash nabbed the lamb rack… he also discovered radishes and ensured everyone’s plate was free of them by the time the meal was done (his adventurous palate never fails to thrill me).

opera_1937The dessert was simple and delicious (and possibly less virtuous)…


Build-it-yourself pavs – meringues, blueberries, strawberries, dragonfruit, chantilly cream….

opera selfie

Nom. Nom. (And downright selfie-worthy).

opera_1947 eAs the humidity and heat built, we took our seats outside the marquee… along with a couple of hundred others!

opera_4845 eAnd The Mikado got underway…

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And even though I missed out on a program, and had no real idea of the storyline…

opera_4890 eWe soon picked it up!


And the talent we were sitting before soon overcame any doubts I might have had…

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The singing…

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The comedy…

opera_4894 eThe drama….

And the sheer FUN of this comedic opera!  Even my hard-to-impress (and somewhat reluctant attendee) hubby was swept up in it.

It was fascinating to see dedicated bushies pretty much mesmerised…

opera_4850 e

Aside: I wonder how many akubras are generally present at the opera?

opera_4889 eBefore the show commenced, we heard that one performer had travelled from Melbourne today to be part of this.

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This amazing singer (centre) had performed in that city last night, flown to Brisbane this morning, and driven 600km to perform.  That’s dedication!  So when it started to rain part-way through the event, the audience stayed put…

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After all, a little rain never hurt anyone, did it? (Especially farmers who have been looking for some more!)

opera_1954 eUmbrellas and hats came in useful, and we enjoyed some relief from the humidity.

However, in the second half, Mother Nature decided she’d had enough of not being centre stage…

opera_1959And. It. BUCKETED down.

We gave up and headed undercover, as the performers held fast to their staging and props!

opera_1964 eEveryone stayed however… waiting out the downpour or a good 20 minutes, in the hope the crew would too…


An abbreviated (and hilariously improvised) final act was performed with the audience crowded around the stage – no sound system, making the band and singers hard to hear, they all went ahead on a very wet stage before a delighted (if somewhat damp) crowd.

opera_1965 bb eWe cheered them long and loud… and they returned the favour.

I think they enjoyed that their audience was so dedicated to hearing them out!

It’s true what they say:

The show must go on – and the audience must see it through too!

(Because it will all be worth it, in the end.)

Signing off now, weary from the week that was, but oh-so-wonderfully spent…



  • Kelly

    I’ll admit Opera doesn’t rank high on my list, either… but I’m always willing to give ANY music a shot and this looks wonderful! (my symphony did an “opera sampler” program once that was quite good, too)

    So glad the rain didn’t spoil it all!
    Kelly´s last blog post ..Spring 2016

  • Anne@GritandGiggles

    I’m not one for opera either BUT I do love Gilbert and Sullivan’s comic operas, The Mikado, H.M.S Pinafore and Pirates of Penzance. We grew up watching the Jon English versions of these and loved them. I’m glad you got to enjoy a nice time out and that there was some much needed rain.
    Anne@GritandGiggles´s last blog post ..The Queen on a rainy day

  • Lynda M Otvos

    What a fantastic way to spend the day !~! And yes, the hats steal the moment, at least in that picture. I love hats-own more than a dozen and wear one alla time outside.

    Gilbert & Sullivan were perennial favorites as my theatrical mom made her way thru the towns’ local theaters wherever we lived. Loads of fun to hear her sing and watch her perform with like-minded folks all across the country. I can still see her in the Princess & the Pea.

    Your kindred souls are a group that dedicates itself to whatever the task at hand – even if that’s being the appreciative audience. What a group to be part of, Amanda, you must be so proud to be an Aussie.
    Lynda M Otvos´s last blog post ..Wish I had Seen This in Real Life

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