Purple Refrain
Last week was a pretty crap week.
I had to go to Brisbane again for some more ‘panel beating’ – a week in hospital is never my idea of fun.
Then Mum had a bit of a health scare and ALSO spent a few days in a hospital just a few kilometres from me.*
And, as we were both recovering, eight days ago, I heard the news that Prince is dead.
If you are not from my generation, perhaps the news didn’t hit you as hard. It shocked me. It seemed utterly impossible.
Prince’s music, his charisma, his genius – a glittering backdrop to my teenage years. And while many may be surprised that a country girl might adore this funky little Minneapolis musician, I was a fan from the moment I heard ‘Kiss’ … and then ‘Purple Rain… and the ‘Rasberry Beret’. It was impossible not to respond to these anthems of the mid-80s. I loved ‘Let’s Go Crazy’ and ‘1999’ were the dance singles of choice. His list of hits is epic.
They called him ‘His Royal Badness’… his lyrics peppered with innuendo that ensured I rarely played his music around my parents! (Who can forget ‘Cream‘ …naughty, naughty, naughty!)
I loved pretty much everything about him… his talent, his gender-bending appearance (man we loved that stuff in the 80s!) the boundaries he pushed (or walked right through).
Among the very many tributes and quotes made to honour Prince Rogers Nelson was this one, which made me smile:
‘The only man that could put on heels and lipstick, and still take your woman.’
I remember listening to his stuff as a senior at school – my mind being blown with music unlike anything I had ever heard. I remember many of our class being mesmerised at our all-girls boarding school – and one boarder in particular, who was so in love with him that she ‘broke bounds’ (an offence that could see you expelled) so she could watch his movie, ‘Purple Rain’ when it was released.
He did all kinds of crazy stuff – like change his name to an unpronouncable ‘love’ symbol. And write SLAVE on his cheek to protest his recording contract. Dress like a complete dandy and still stop women in their tracks. And transform from painfully shy young man to a sexy Rock God as soon as that spotlight hit him.
He played EVERY instrument in his recordings. He was a control freak to the n’th degree. He produced magic.
I so wish I had gotten to see him in concert (he and Freddy Mercury are the two legends I will forever regret not seeing live)… I have been overdosing on You Tube clips of his performances since April 21. And this one – a relatively recent one from the 2007 SuperBowl – is one that draws me back again and again…
Prince, in the POURING rain, in total command of tens of thousands of football fans, in a flawless, full-on, fabulous performance.
Rolling Stone said: ‘No-one is cooler than Prince. It’s a scientific fact.’
Damned straight.

I am currently inflicting great doses of ‘Purple Rain’ hits on Violet and Dash.
They are loving it. So am I. There was a lot of car dancing going on during the trip home from town today! Let’s Go Crazy rocked that Prado!
Thanks for indulging me and my little tribute (and a massive walk down memory lane!) Before I go, something to make you smile: talkshow host Jimmy Fallon recalling his memorable encounter with this music legend and utter eccentric.
You are welcome.
ARE you a PRINCE FAN? What was your favourite song??
Can’t get enough of the Purple One? Here is a great link to his Top Six live performances. Take beverages. Dare you not to dance!
* Both Mum and I are doing fine…
NB I have tried to quote sources for the images used above – but so many have been copied and re-copied the original sources are lost. I particularly love the final image of artwork by talented artist ‘Mr G’ – his official website is here.
A lovely tribute. I liked him and have some of his songs in my library, but honestly didn’t know the extent of his talent until after the fact. Impressive! My favorite song of his (that he performed) is Diamonds and Pearls. Incredible all the music he wrote for others!
Kelly´s last blog post ..Music & Words Award
BB of Oz
I know what you mean – feel like I learned soooo much about him this week. Humans are strange the way we wait for someone to pass before we investigate and honour their talent.
Oh… And hope your tests came out well and that your mother is doing okay now!!
Hope your tests were okay, and that your mom is too. To borrow a phrase, seems like the time is right. Let’s go crazy!
BB of Oz
All good thanks