Will ‘e, or Willy!
It’s been a while since I have had time to post something ‘proper’…
I have the cutest photos from last weekend still patiently waiting for me to edit and upload. Something about renovations, children and businesses to run – how DARE they get in the way of my blogging. Ha!
This sweet little series were taken this afternoon, just after I let a mob of cows (or as my mate Gem would say: ‘coos’) out into a fresh paddock. This little fella (a willy wagtail) was flitting around the cows picking up flies.
Hello Little Willy…
This is about as close as I usually get – they FLIT quicker than a blink!
Curious, but still with his mind on his lunch…
Swooping down on an unsuspecting insect of some sort…
Back on his perch on the timber rail.
Yes, I think you are pretty cute too!
OOOOHHH… Hop, hop, hopping towards me!
(And the photographer in me nearly SPIT when I saw his wing and not his beak were in focus here!)
And into the shade.
He was only about 1.5 metres from me!
Now I don’t know much about bird expressions and body language, so I cannot tell if he’s seeing if I have any insects looming about my head, if he’s just curious, or wants me to get out of his territory!
The willy ‘stink eye’ maybe?
Can you read wagtail? What do you think?
I tend to read “dog” better than “bird” (as evidenced in my latest post), but I’d wager a guess he’s saying “GO AWAY!”.
Wonderful photos – especially his swoop down and his hop! A real cutie. 🙂
Kelly´s last blog post ..(Good) Activity
Great photos Amanda, these cheeky little fellas are so fast, they never sit still for very long! That look is definitely ” YOU are in my space!” They do this especially when a nest or babies are involved.
You certainly captured the bounciness of Mr Willy. They are such cheeky fellows. I love it when you go for a walk and they flit along in front like they are playing some game of chasey.
Anne@GritandGiggles´s last blog post ..A Wispy Sunrise
This bird is national bird of Banglades.name–Duel.