Hedgehogs and the case of the vanishing eyebrows
Hello there!!! Remember me? I am back and I have some yarns to share… grab yourself a beverage and get comfy.
Among the comments I get here, on social media and elsewhere, is how amazing our life is and how perfect it all looks. This always astounds me, as I can see so much room for improvement in everything that it makes me ache. But I do tend to be a little bit ‘Sally Sunshine’ sometimes, editing out some of the uncomfortable (and frankly boring) stuff… but in the interests of KEEPING IT REAL, I feel the need to share a couple of recent ‘moments’ from my life.
The case of the beautician balls-up
One of the delights of living in our rural community is that I have an AMAZING hairdresser who also does my eyebrows for me. Post-chemo Melissa was able to style my wicked white regrowth into something that made me feel human and feminine again (no mean feat) and who found the PERFECT colour to tint my patchy eyebrows to help them regain a little of their former glory.

Now Melissa knows perfectly well how much I rate her skills – and I adore that she does her best to fit me into her farm-based salon (complete with dogs, poddies and ponies and cheeky cockatoo) whenever I happen to be near town.
I am absolutely hopeless at both styling my own hair and shaping my own eyebrows, so most ‘selfies’ I take (when I feel relatively okay about myself) are post-visit to Melissa.
A week or so ago I was visiting one of our local Big Towns, and despite a list a mile long of chores, I found myself with 15 minutes to spare. So what did I do? I made the rash decision to visit a beautician on a side street for a ‘quick eyebrow tidy up’. How hard could it be?
As I entered the empty salon, I was pounced on and enthusiastically welcomed by two petite, pretty ladies with very charming accents. I wondered how much English they spoke but thought: that’s okay – as long as I am clear about what I want, all will be good. So I asked for ‘just a tidy-up underneath my brows’ and a tint – I was answered with much smiling and nodding, ‘sure sure‘ reassurances, so I lay down and closed my eyes to enjoy my little bit of pampering.
Murmuring as she worked, my beautician swept wax under my rightbrow. Then above my right brow. Then between my brows. Now you need to remember I have only just recently grown these brows BACK – I lay there in disbelief feeling the warm wax soaking into my hard-won brow hairs and wondering if there is any way to remove it without removing the hairs too.
As I wondered, she ripped. Rip-rip-RIP.
My stomach began to churn as I tried to calculate how much brow had vanished. It felt awfully above my eye rather than at the edges. What do I do now?
“PLEASE.” I begged, “ONLY UNDER the brow. Not AROUND.”
‘Sure, sure’, she murmured.
She swept wax under my left brow. I opened my right eye (now watering under a denuded right brow) and gestured with my hand UNDER the brow. She leaned in to add more wax.
“NOT ABOVE!” I said in panic. She lowered the wax paddle.
“But you uneven!” she said. I was smiling grimly but adamant.
“I only just grew them back!” I was already mentally colouring in with my eyebrown pencil. My voice had a small quaver, and she shook her head as she picked up her tweezers. Pluck, pluck PLUCK. All around my left eyebrow.
“Can I SEE?” I sat up to make the plucking stop.
Sure sure, she murmured. She held a mirror high and I gasped. My right eyebrow now started much further RIGHT … it seemed to be sliding off my face. My left brow was slightly better. But not much.
‘THAT’ll do thanks!” I said. She shook her head at the crazy lady on her workbench.
‘You need lip waxed too!’ She told me.
Well, not really, I protested, a bit blindsided. A couple of hairs plucked maybe, I relented.
No plucking! she argued – had I ever had threading done?
Well no… I hesitated. She pounced.
Having never been ‘threaded’ in my life, I had no idea what to expect. She leaned in close above me, and her hands were ALL over my face, working the taut tangle of cotton all over the lower portion of my head. I could feel hairs and bits of skin getting caught in the frantic action. It was terrifying. I signalled that I had had enough.
I sat up to go (slash escape) and then – despite this prelude – I mentioned out loud that I was there for a brow tint too. Sometimes I really could just kick myself.
‘What colour?’ she asked.
‘I don’t know exactly what it’s called, but it’s not brown really, more ashy,’ I explained.
Sure, sure, she nodded, as she rifled through a small drawer of little pots.
I lay down again, reassuring myself that the process could ONLY improve. She painted the tint VERY carefully on, and left me to ‘cook’. Now when Melissa tints my meagre brows, it takes 30 seconds to a minute at most. I was lying there, at the Big Town salon, at least five minutes and could feel the liquid starting to burn. Tick, tick, tick…
She came back to check closely, and then held a mirror up for me to check the colour.
I almost died.
For there, it horrible clarity, was my left brow. And it was now LIGHT, BRIGHT YELLOW. Clearly she had interpreted my ‘ashy’ as ‘blonde’. Oh, my, GAWD.
I sat up clutching at my head and the words ‘WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?’ escaped my lips.
‘I FIX I FIX!’ She exclaimed in panic, no doubt terrified I would gallop off down the street with one yellow eyebrow and one still plastered in dye. I can tell you, she was right to be concerned. My adrenaline levels were going through the roof. She practically shoved me back on the workbench.
She cleaned off the remaining mixture before reapplying (painstakingly slowly) from another pot, as I lay there trying hard not to moan, imagining my new faint brows falling out from excess chemical. Just breeeeathe, I reminded myself. They are only eyebrows, only eyebrows. I breathed. She painted. My brows tingled. Breeeeeathe….
After several applications of dye, some 20 minutes later, my eyebrows were once again darkish. Sure, they had a definite orange hue but by this stage I just wanted OUT. Breeaathhheeee…
I paid and stumbled back out onto the street – a wiser and much more orange woman than I had entered the salon 45 minutes earlier.
My husband couldn’t quite comprehend the depths of my anguish – I felt seriously violated, even as I tried to calm myself down. I kept chanting to myself: ‘First world problems, first world problems’.
Violet took one look as asked ‘WHY are your eyebrows like that Mum?‘. My expression told my husband all he needed to know to change the subject very quickly. I shoved large dark sunglasses onto my face and they stayed firmly in place until we called into Melissa on the way home.
I took no photos of the myself or my glowing brow. THAT is how traumatised I was: I couldn’t think straight enough to take evidence! Here are the best before-and-after’s I can muster:

It took Melissa two sessions to tone my poor abused eyebrows back to some kind of colour I could live with. She agreed that yellow or orange does NOT go with silver-white hair.
The case of the sudden Hedgehog: a very short (spiky) story!
This weekend I attended the Ekka and a Gala Ball in Brisbane. I pencilled in my right eyebrow at the start of each day, and headed to a city hairdresser to get my hair done before the ball. I asked for some ‘funk’ and a bit of ‘lift’ …
What I got was pure ‘hedgehog‘. This is the toned down (or frantically watered-down) version. Seriously – this is TAME.
Sure,I am still smiling… (Look at the dude next to me – who wouldn‘t be?)
That hair though? Having a party all on it’s own! (Go back to top pic in this post to see how well my OWN hairdresser styled my #grannyhair head.)
And those eyebrows? THANKYOU Melissa and eyebrow pencils – right brow coloured in both ends!
This is deeper into the night. The gorgeous Pip Courtney (ABC Landline host) and Georgie Somerset (Agforce VP) posing with me. As we were ALL off-duty, I partook in a few glasses of pinot gris and some serious socialising – these helped ease the stress (and increase my ‘glow’)… Hair remained on high alert, eyebrows slid slightly, but still relatively in place.
I have always scoffed at celebs who have their own ‘style people’. However I can now say, hand-on-heart, if I ever win Lotto, Melissa, you are being kidnapped for every event I attend. You have been warned.
Here endeth the ‘Keeping it Real Report’ for this week.
Florence Glyn-Jones
Oh dear! But still you made me and I’m sure your other followers laugh out loud.
I had my eyebrows done once post chemo. They are heavier in the middle, and fade out at the edging giving me a perpetual angry look. I tried to explain that to the girl and she swore she could help me. She waxed me down to very thin eyebrows which faded out at the edges, which gave me a cartoonish perpetual angry look. I’ve had such a time keeping my hair styled that I’ve given up. I’m currently growing it out. You’re lucky to have your Melissa.
On a side note, I guess this is the first that I’m realizing that other people have eyebrow issues post chemo. I thought I was a freak.
Hi Amanda, I am sure that all of us at one stage or another have had some horrific hair style makeovers. Oh you made me laugh and recall some of my own experiences. The only thing I can say is that, although terrifying and extremely distressing at the time, it is only a week or so before we can venture out in public… and regain our true confidence once more. Oh these times, they must be a females lot in life. What we all do to make ourselves more beautiful. It will only be short time and we are back trying something new again….. Some memories are short. Glad to hear that you are back on track and enjoying many fun experiences.
Good to see you back. It looks like you had a great night with your very party do. We all have our grooming issues on occasion. I actually don’t really like having to go to the hairdresser because I had this one awesome haircut once and I don’t think anyone can redo that! At least you can look back an laugh. Honestly though, we notice more of the mistakes on ourselves than others do.
Anne@GritandGiggles´s last blog post ..Heading Bush
Colour me happy that I DID NOT type any hedgehog comments on that beautiful photo of my gorgeous sis.
jeanie´s last blog post ..Please Shut the GATE
I recall complimenting you on your new look so far as hair goes, post chemo. I think the hairdresser’s effort for the ball was brilliant. It’s hard recognise Pip without her Akubra.
Well I think your hair looks great, hedgehog or not. I’m definitely challenged in the hair-styling department and since my hairdresser died unexpectedly, have grown mine out and just do the pony tail most of the time. Wish I could pull off a buzz cut!
The eyebrow story just made me cringe… I can’t even imagine what panic you must have been feeling!!
Kelly´s last blog post ..Old Village
Jac C
Well at least you have eyebrows my dear – mine never grew back after the 80’s boarding school pluckafest!! Very funny – love the way you write.
You look gorgeous by the way.
Nancy in Savannah
Amanda, you are amazingly beautiful no matter what anyone does to your hair or brows!!! When I was a kid I definitely had a unibrow – thick brows that met and merged in the middle. They really didn’t bother me, altho I started plucking them in high school. Also colored my hair so many shades! But in college, a friend from Miami said my brows had to be tweezed heavily and she did the job – while sitting on my stomach (she was a tiny thing, no worries!) Once I recovered I started tweezing regularly, but I’ve never had the dreaded wax,
I’m sorry I’ve been gone so long – I’ve been here more than 2.5 years so Iowa is long behind me! I’ve missed you.
lol I am with Jac C – I am still trying to grow my brows back from the hell I put them through in Grade 9… why is it that they won’t grow but I still need to spend 20 minutes a day plucking my chin?! First world problems….
Ball photos are fab! I think you all look gorgeous!
Oh dear. I had a terrifying brow experience in Malaysia, I know, I’m an idiot right. Who would be stupid enough to get their brows done anywhere in Asia. I have to remind myself next time I go that they like their eyebrows very thin and not thick like Western/European women. I asked for just a little tidy underneath and walled out with eyebrows that were half as thick. I’ve been trying to grow them back properly, ever since. A bout of hashimotos thyroiditis, made them fall out all over again just a few years back. Thank goodness for microblading or I’d be a complete wreck.
Eyebrows are sacred. If you find a good brow artist, stick to her like glue!
I just want to say Jac C, sent me and I am hooked, I love your writing style. *subscribe*