Driveway wildlife…
The things you see along our driveway are often slightly strange and unexpected.
(Sometimes outside the car, sometimes inside!)
As I went for the school pickup run – a 30 km round trip – this little dude stopped and gazed at me for a good minute.
I took this shot through a FILTHY windscreen (hence the soft focus and big blur to the left of him).
He is a half-grown joey – a rock wallaby I think.
Ain’t he purty??
Just as well it’s our driveway (where people go a bit steadier and keep their eyes peeled for locals). The main(er) road a few hundred metres along is not so genteel or considerate of pedestrians.
A bit further on I spotted THESE dudes.
I make it sound like I ‘chanced’ upon them, when in reality, I have been stalking them for days.
Every SINGLE time I have seen them this week, I have NOT had my camera with me.
And this is pretty much the look I gave them as I drove by, cursing my NOT packing the camera bag.
And then when I did, they were no-where to be seen! Then today, as Violet sat beside me quite IMPATIENTLY, I shot off dozens of photos on my beat-up Nikon. She was most interested when one did a very impressive poop… you can thank me for NOT adding that image here.
You are welcome.
This little shoot FINALLY made me gird my loins and get TO IT, in the calendar department.
I think this last shot might sneak into the 12-month lineup for 2017.
Stay tuned!
PS What di you spy along YOUR driveway today?
Well, you certainly get a different variety of ‘driveway wildlife’ than I do! I thoroughly enjoyed this. 🙂
Also excited to know there will be a 2017 calendar. I was afraid to ask (nag?).
Kelly´s last blog post ..Strawberry Mango Salsa
Well maybe I saw a pigeon and I definitely saw some toad poo. Your driveway is a lot more interesting than mine, and a lot longer.
Anne@GritandGiggles´s last blog post ..Stacking it!
Helen Dobbin
So glad the camera was along on this journey. Fantastic shots. Living in a suburban street, there’s no wildlife, but the native shrubs beside the driveway are often visited by lovely honey eaters, parrots and bees. Many photographs taken .
Helen Dobbin´s last blog post ..I found ‘SPRING’!