Never EVER boring…
It’s school holidays here…
And in bushie-speak, school holidays equals….
WORK! Where work equals…
Please admire this shot of my patient, hard-working daughter…
Walking behind the mob on her trusty steed, Chimmy and Dash’s (plump but helpful) dog, Diamond. Diamond is particularly good at looking busy and blocking up an entire mob single-handedly. And not always on command. But generally, on balance, she’s quite helpful. Like Violet.
Even in the dry and the dirt and the dust.
All being EXCEPTIONALLY patient…
Sooooo… okay, mostly patient and a wee bit bored perhaps?
This shot shows our trick-riding apprentice Violet practicing the ‘half shoulder stand’ on a road, in the middle of a paddock, behind a mob of cattle, on a horse, who has NOT been trained for this manoeuvre.
This girl gives me heart failure on a regular basis.
But of course, she is just one part of our crew… Want to see the rest? Some of the other ‘performers’ in the Granite Glen circus troupe?
Here we have my husband – leading out the mob and doing his John Wayne impersonation, heading over the horizon on ‘Waratah’.
He’s the strong, silent type – and so is my husband. I can almost hear the soundtrack to ‘True Grit’ in the background here, can’t you?
And here is his protege – Dash. Dash does a particularly good ‘Marlboro Man’ in his black felt hat and his laid-back riding style.
You will all be very pleased to know, however, that he doesn’t smoke. I am not sure he could be bothered.
He’s riding Cherokee. Cherokee is very laid back too. Until he’s not. Most fearless horse ever. Will take on a ravine or a cranky bull without a second thought. If he were human, he’d smash it on Survivor.
So as you can see – even without our jillaroo Tesh to add some blonde spunk to the mix – we have a colourful crowd on the books here.
I’d like to end this post with a summation of our unique mustering gang – and I believe this final photo does the job.
Just so you know, Dash is out of shot to the right, ROLLING his eyes. Hard.
Violet is busy giving her mother further heart failure (performing the ‘layover’ on an apparently bomb-proof Chimmy)…
And my husband?
A very, VERY hard man to impress.
Not that that is going to stop our girl.
Never a dull moment in our team.
So what action have YOU had over these school holidays?
Awesome post! That last photo made me laugh. Thanks for a great read and terrific photos.
CountryMum´s last blog post ..September 18, 2017
Always fun to see a new post from you! Yep… I’d be skipping a few heartbeats watching some of those antics, too.
Kelly´s last blog post ..Musical Interlude #7
Helen Dobbin
Totally agree, it is always a delight to discover you have had time in your busy life to post another episode of life on your property.
Wonderful images and words.
I’m not exactly sure where your property is, but do hope the rain finds its way to you soon.
Helen Dobbin´s last blog post ..Toowoomba – a city of colour, but so brown.
Holly Webb
ha ha ha – taking planking to a whole new level!
Holly Webb´s last blog post ..CREATING MAGIC: How to add stars to create twilight