2020 Wean roundup
Livestock farming rhythms, in general, follow the seasons: * Spring = calving; Early Summer = bulls put into breeder paddocks/mating & 1st round of vaccinations; Mid-Summer = branding; Early Autumn = bulls taken back to bull paddocks, Late Autumn/Early Winter = weaning…
It’s cool here now and weaning season at the moment. We have been super-busy mustering, sorting, weighing, vaccinating (for tick fever) and handling our latest ‘drop’ of young bovines over the past ten days.
We started out with just the two of us – Mr I mustering the red breeder paddocks, and (with me) sorting and trucking the calves to the main yards.

Having grown up with ‘gangs’ of riders helping with the muster, it always amazes me when my husband takes on our big paddocks by himself. We have very pretty, but very uneven terrain here – with lots of hills, gullies and ridges and great hiding spots for the recalcitrant bovine.

But with great planning and patience, he brings down mobs of cows (with some pretty handy canine ‘ringers’ – from front to back: Sparky, Dani, Maggie and Ginger) to a small set of timber yards.

If you look closely you can see the already-mustered cattle in the yards ahead…

Another mob of red Brangus cows coming in nicely…

Anyone recognize this odd-one-out? (No other horns here except hers!). It’s Bay Leaf, with her latest strapping steer calf.
We were also lucky enough to get the kids home both weekends – Jack (Dash) from college, and Sarah (Violet) from boarding school. It was lovely to have our own little gang together…

Unloading with the crew…

If you look closely at this pic, you will see Jack making sure that his grandfather’s horse stays nice and still for him. My Dad is now 80 and we don’t want any busters happening! He doesn’t bounce as well as he used to…

I think our girl is happy to be spending the weekend on horses!

Leading the mob of stud cows towards the yards… riding ‘Trooper’, her current favourite.

At the tail you can see my niece Lily, my Dad, Mr I and Jack (behind the tree).

Ambling up the last climb to the yards…

The boys patiently keeping them moving…

Dad on his steed, Gracie, as the mob waits for the gate to open.

The crew yarding them – that’s a WALL of riders there!

Another breeder paddock about to be mustered – the crew ready to roll. Loving all the pricked ears on the steeds: Mr I on Trooper, Lil on Gracie, Sarah on Chi Chi, Amy on Chimmy and Jack on Tighe.

Love those colourful shirts against the dry grass…

The girls yarding the mob…

Dash keeping them moving – forward motion is very important in a mob!

Another lot ready to process…

Cows taking advantage of leftover hay in the weaner yards!

Dad and Lil working beautifully together in the back yards, bringing up smaller mobs for sorting…

Calves already separated in foreground…

Love seeing all the youngsters in their ‘cohort’

Lil, Amy and Jack sorting out steers, heifers and bull calves.

Can you pick the difference here? 😉

At the end of each day, the tractor would start up and the stalking would commence… my husband had around 300 sets of eyes on him here!

They LOOOOOOVEE that tractor – and the goodies it brings them!

They don’t know a lot about ‘social distancing’ these guys (and girls!) – it’s quite a feat unloading, removing string and getting out of their way.

Nom nom!!!
Regarding those dogs with Mr. I…. it always impresses me to see working dogs that actually earn their keep!! (mine would tell me they earn theirs in different ways)
Kelly´s last blog post ..License Plates
Great to catch up with life on your property, supported with the lovely images you have taken.
Helen´s last blog post ..Just a Hint of Autumn
Jared James
Oh I wanna to visit the countryside, so much hope I can by the end of the year 🙂