Our lives are up-to-the-nostrils in ‘bull sale fever’ at the moment! Which means when we are not looking at OTHER PEOPLE’s bulls, we are looking after and sale-prepping our own.

We breed black and red Brangus seedstock and commercial animals – over here if you want the serious guff. I love them all…
We breed a wide variety of ‘content’ (short for Brahman/bos indicus content) so some throw more to the Braham (like these guys pictured above) with their glorious dulaps (skin under their necks). And some tend more toward the Angus side of their pedigrees, like this nugget…

This is TULSA. Tulsa likes to eat. He does NOT like lifting his head up for photos, hence the ‘get on with it’ look on his face! Our sale bulls need to get used to being inspected/admired. It’s part of the job description…

Look how patient they are being with the attention. Mark is talking the ‘bull talk’ with our auctioneer, Brian. Brian is not only a local to our corner of the world, but one of the GREAT Aussie auctioneers. He’s incredibly humble, but the energy he injects into a sale is something else. We totally rate him.

Brian tried to retire last year… but we wouldn’t let him! Haha. Sorry Brian, we still need ya.

Another early inspection has been conducted by our Argentinian visitor Lorenzo. He particularly likes TITAN (T9) who returns the sentiment. Titan is unbelievably quiet – and has been since he was a calf. He is also a BIG boy, in both height and weight. (Seeing as how Lorenzo is about 6’6″ they make a good pair!).

We also have a soft spot for this bull – look how pretty that face is! This look is known in the bovine business as a ‘kind head’.
This guy is possibly the calmest bull we have ever bred (and that is taking in some territory!). Honestly – he’s huge, but unbelievably gentle. These are photos of him at weaning (around a year ago)…

Hello you! (with Mark)…

Bull kisses (with Sarah). He still does them… such a cutie.
Speaking of gorgeous heads, this is TAURUS T13… super handsome!

(Maybe you need to be a cow-person? Or a Brangus person? I am going to stand by that call, though. Gorgeous head.)
This particular bull is about the body! He’s a bit of a poser… I think he knows how to work it.

His name is TARZAN… such a dude! Tarzan is of our IVF bulls being prepared for this year’s sale (playing in the mud after some much-needed rain)…
We call this guy Turbo… is it weird that we call them calves? They are around 19 months of age, but are between 600-700kg at last weigh-in.

Now I don’t want to make him self-conscious, but can anyone say THICK?
Now, sometimes bulls can get a bad wrap for being fighters and generally scary… and they DO fight sometimes (all that testosterone has to go somewhere, and these fellas are basically teenagers, so they can suddenly have a dust up for no apparent reason!). And then sometimes…

‘Just a bit to the right, please’… T241 (aka TRUCK) enjoys some gentle attention from his buddies, while basking in the sun.
I do feel like the bovine paparazzi sometimes, buzzing around in our side-by-side (buggy) and taking random snapshots. And just like a pap, I don’t wait for the pose.
I wonder how they’d feel about this angle?

Then again – teenage boys. So they’d probably love it…
I will give the last word to two of my ‘stalkers’ – firstly TANK, who has zero ‘personal space’…
See if you can pick this bull? A proper bovine stalker! I literally had to walk around him to get photos of OTHER bulls.
Please forgive my ‘au naturel’ mug and hairdo. Not my best look, but this is about the bulls (and I am always best BEHIND the camera!)
Anyhoo… just a few of my bovine moments from the weekend! Hope you enjoyed. x
Aren’t they gorgeous? I love that Brian is so successful at what he does now – I only remember him as the little brother of a girl I was at school with.
jeanie´s last blog post ..Book Review – The Willow Tree Wharf
They are beauts. So are you, btw.