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Mystery Photo time!

It’s that time again… when you get to put your thinking caps on and answer a little mystery for me…
This week’s mystery pic is something very close to home.
Something I have kinda posted about before.
But not really.

What is it?
Where is it?
And what will happen next?
As usual, the accuracy of your answers is not all-important.
The entertainment value is.
Winner gets choice of BB photo for their lounge or loo wall!
Looking forward to your inspired offerings…
with bated breath!


  • Cher

    A closeup of the hair on my legs?

    Trust me, some days my legs really do look like that. I think,though, that the picture is of a bird nest attached underneath or on the side of a barn pole.

    The Texas Woman

  • Kate

    It does look like a nest but i’m going to go with a big scary spider’s home. It looks like strings of spider web all in it. And it’s up against something painted cuz it looks like it’s cracking.

    But the real story is…A large mutant,human, animal, creature, thinger, that builds nests with saliva and various other things like sticks and grass built a nest in the barn. You and SSB were taking a little “walk” after the punks when to bed and happened to wander into the hay loft. As you glance at the rafters you see the large icky creature hanging upside down watching you. SSB quickly throws himself between you and the creature and whacks it with a pitchfork. It falls to the ground and runs into night. The next morning you go back to the barn to investigate and fine the nest (pictured) and a large sac of eggs!!!! AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Needless to say you had a little bonfire that morning. The creature hasn’t been seen again but it’s still out there…waiting…watching…

    Happy Halloween!

  • Muddy Boot Dreams

    I was thinking birds nest also. But then for some weird reason, [ I did say weird ], I thought burlap sack, or horse blanket? Or maybe even some sort of horse cookie thingy ma jiggy. There you wanted entertainment.

  • A Novel Woman

    At first I thought I recognized my son’s hair resting softly against his cheek (he plays a mean game of rugby and has been known to just collapse into bed without showering first) but then I thought no, it resembles what the plumber pulled out of the shower drain last week after the daily marathon showering by my two daughters AKA The Tank Drainers.

    Upon closer examination, I realized you must have sneaked into my house, lifted the carpet and took a photograph without being detected. The real mystery is how you got back to Granite Glen so quickly to blog about it.

    Oh, and I’m not going to apologize. I have an equal number of pets and kids and, like nature, I too abhor a vacuum. There’s really no point in trying to keep the house clean because until they all move out, it’s like shoveling the driveway before it stops snowing. And it’s not like I don’t warn guests. I have a sign on my front door that says, “I do housework every other day. This is NOT the other day.”

    PETA says every creature deserves our protection. Dust bunnies are no exception. Long live dust bunnies!

    Thanks for your support.

  • Debby

    For the record, I think it is what remains of a bearded salesman who was selling sweets and stopped by granite glen one day. Unfortunately, he never made it to the house. He was set upon my a herd of small children yours, ‘Salina, and the LL’s visiting children, not to mention a small pack of dogs and a couple weanlings. This was all that remained, and you found it days later after the chardonnays from that visit began to wear off.

    (I actually think that it’s a birds nest, but that’s already been taken, so I guessed a guess that had not been guessed before.)

  • Bush Babe

    Lordy people… mutant saliva-dribbling spiders, dust bunnies, the carcasses of travelling salesmen… I’m so pleased you guys are my friends and not my enemies!!! Talk about imagination… I think I’ll make SSB choose this one! You’ve got til Monday midday (GG time)…

  • Scotty

    It’s hair.

    It resides in my ears after mysteriously vanishing from my head many, many moons ago (for comparison, simply note the smoothness of the earlobe at right of frame).

    It too will vanish in a few years and I will finally be able to acknowledge (with something more than a guttural grunt) several people who have spoken to me over the past few years.

    What? Baggage? No, I prefer broccoli myself.


  • Portia

    It looks to me like part of your garden that had woodchips put down to protect plants for the winter. The white thing looks like a gourd that survived since last year. It also looks like there are two eyes looking out from between the top woodchip. Maybe a mouse that will soon be cat food! Hopefully, it’s not a reptile of any sort.

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