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A break at the beach…

Last weekend, SSB, Dash, The Little Woman and I packed up the Prado and vamoosed from Granite Glen.
Not for good.
Just for three-and-a-half days.
(Can’t forget the half day. It all counts!)
It was our much-anticipated, long-planned mini holiday.

It was a chance, not just to take a break from the endless tasks and early mornings (OK SSB’s early mornings!) that working on a cattle property entail, but also to catch up with our city friends. While regular “weekends off” were an accepted part of city life (in the decade or so that we called ourselves townies) our friends have been great in realising the rareness of our breaks now, and fitted in with our schedule to rendezvous at a beach side town to catch up.

Dash had even promised us a sleep in…

“If I wake up first, Mummy, I’ll just watch you til you wake up!” he offered.

Sweet. In a very strange way!

Our holiday units are at the same place we went whale watching from last year. We love it as it is not too far from home (usually less than a four hour drive), there is plenty for the kids to do, the surf is small and shallow (great for littlies) and lots of take-away restaurants to fulfil our ‘exotic’ food cravings. The place we stay has no passing traffic, is right on the beach, and next to the Marina.

The marina always fascinates me. I cannot for a moment contemplate the thought of living on a boat (I am as claustrophobic as all get out) but the collective landscape that is a marina is amazing. And pretty photogenic! Even the bird life arrange themselves artistically…

And the walk to the marina also offers me a chance to do a family portrait “with a difference“!

Who is that woman with a lump on her right hip? Oh… that’s me. Hello!
Dash and TLW had a blast, with yabbying and fishing from the beach and pier rating high on the “Can We, Can We Dad?” daily agenda. Unfortunately for SSB, this cry began about 5.15am each day. Dash quite forgot about his holiday promise. The potential program of activities was just too exciting for sleep. Poor Daddy!

I loved that the other Dads in our party all joined in the yabby-hunting and kid-entertaining fun… we have some great guys in our group of city friends. All are henceforth nominated for Fathers of the Year.

The Yabby Pump was pumping in earnest… and the yells of Got one! echoed across the beach.

Hello little yabbiesquite a haul of bait!

All the boy-and-kid action left us girls time to catch up on many months of gossip, and also take ridiculous photos of ourselves…

It’s a mermaid, it’s a 25 foot high pinhead, it’s Bush Babe!

And as it got blustery, one of our friends broke out that time-honoured beach side holiday toy… the kite! I’d forgotten how much fun they are.
You too?
Here’s a reminder….

Fun fun fun!!
Need some help TLW? You look like you’ll blow away!
Our mate Andrew to the rescue! A double nomination for you!
But as the shadows lengthened each afternoon the cry for the fishing rod rose above the whistle of the wind. Time to bait that hook SSB.

Good job Dad!

(Man those hands on hips tell a whole story, don’t they?)

And my late afternoon view, of our girl against the forces of nature, restored my batteries like no amount of much-yearned for sleep could.

Sorta. Suddenly my 6.30am starts look like bliss after all!

Look out for my “keeping it real” story later this week!

It wasn’t all beachside bliss.


  • Pencil Writer

    Okay, please explain what a “yabby” is. It looks like a cross between a really ugly but and a tinly ugly crab.

    The pictures, of course, were great. Makes me long for the beach again, too.

    And, I’m holding my breath, so don’t wait too long with the “other shoe”. My face hasn’t turned blue yet, but . . .

    Should we begin a trail of relevant verification words? Mine is “coizantr”. So, are antrs cozi. Or does this refer to “quazants” like the kind you might find, buttery and flakey? ;-{

  • Pencil Writer

    I really need to proof read my comments. I meant to say a yappb looks like a really ugly BUG. Sorry for the mistake.

    Curious also about what a “stifila” (WV) might be.

  • Tami

    Beach holidays are so much fun. Mum and Dad used to pack us off to Virginia Beach yearly for holiday or vacation as it’s referred to in the states.

    Anyway….a couple years back I packed Dad, Hubby, and Charlotte Pup-pup up and headed to Virginia Beach for a couple of days. It was fun but not the same as when I was a kid. Your children will have their memories and your lovely photos to cherish when they are older.

  • Jenni

    My favorite pic is the closeup of Dash flying the kite, but I had to laugh at TLW with hands on hips. That picture certainly says a lot, LOL. Your yabbies look like our crawdads (crawdaddies/crawfish/crayfish all depends on where you’re from)and Wikipedia tells me they are related.

  • A Novel Woman

    Nice captures, BB! I thought the watching you sleep comment was so sweet.

    But what the heck is a yabby?

    word ver: resind

    Come on. This is getting silly.

  • Kate

    Beautiful shots! I love the Dash’s face flying the kite and TLW’s hands on the hips. So stinkin cute! Um…what the heck is a Yabby? Oh i miss the ocean!!!

  • jeanie

    lol how very apt – I was just checking your comments because I was nosy and I am not doing comments this morning – but with a word verification like mine on this particular post, I had to.


  • Raising Country Kids

    I’m jealous. I’ve never seen a beach. I most assuredly have never been yabbying. You open up whole new worlds to me!

    My word verification: gualably

  • Bush Babe

    Erin – I have to start with you. Your comment came in while Dash was sitting on my knee and I read it to him. His eyes almost popped out of his head: NEVER BEEN TO THE BEACH?? Incomprehensible to him. I asked him what he wanted me to tell you. He said: Tell them to pack the car and GO! Heh. (Am sure logistics are tricky, but I am with him. It’s essential for the soul!). (WV – is that like a gullible wallaby?)

    Jeanie – is that like a neat mess? Like my house? Heh

    Kate – I hear ya!

    Pam – you have made us all obsessed with WV – rescind that comment!! (Not really, just couldn’t think what else to say!)

    Jenni, PW and others curious about Yabbies – these little shellfish are like tiny crayfish with freshwater and saltwater varieties. Sometimes the former get big enough to eat, but we use the latter (who bury themselves in the beach sand) as bait for fishing. The photo of the shellfish in the girl’s hand is more likely a sort of crabby-type thing on close inspection. You have exhausted my knowledge on the subject!!!

    Tami – thanks. We hardly had beach holidays as kids (one I can recall) so I enjoy them like a child! Heh.

    Deb – I recommend it. Why don’t you make it a reward when there is a break in your schedule?? Seriously…

    Hugs all

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