Having a bit of a time climbing out of the blue mood brought on by our little tragedy here this week.
I am normally quite an ‘up’ girl. A ‘glass half full’ kinda chick. But I admit, this week has knocked that outlook on its tail a bit. I admit I cannot even read my own blog at the moment – that last post is still too raw. I do read your comments as they come in though and savour each kind word.
As the temps eased slightly with overcast skies (why oh WHY couldn’t the heat have broken earlier?) I sorted through some New Year’s Eve photos this morning….
And they made me smile. Just water, hair, enthusiasm and a fast shutter speed…
It’s always the simple things in life, isn’t it?
This is my mad cousin Em (the master photo framer and mother-of-four) …
Also apparently a champion hair flicker. I wonder if these shots gave she and Violet any whiplash?
Have I mentioned I come from a competitve family? Be warned.
My hair is short, or I would’ve been in there showing them both how to do it. (As long as the camera was off, of course!)
This shot was taken later on. New Year’s Eve.
I dunno why it appeals to me so – blurry kids and sparklers.
Exactly what I need right now. A bit of unfocussed silly.
Thanks for everything guys.
Tell me… your secrets for climbing out of a blue funk, and ‘snapping out of it’?
There is nothing that beats sparklers
jeanie´s last blog post ..The Quadrennial Parisienne Review
Belly laughs with the people who know you best in all the world.
debby´s last blog post ..Apology
I agree with Debby….find something that makes you laugh.
Love the hair flipping and think of all the times in ancient history I did the same. 😉
Kelly´s last blog post ..Epiphany
I grieve with you, I cheer you on and I thank you for sharing water warm enough to swim in, sunny skies and sparklers. They are especially welcome from here on the edge of polar weather.
Leenie´s last blog post ..BUFFALO BULLS
Hi, love those pool photos, brings back memories of earlier years when my kids were younger. Sparklers and out of focus moving bodies always look good and make me smile.
Getting out of the blues – hard but try to do something different and fun – more hair flicking in the pool!! They do pass.
Colin Huggins
Hope you are getting some of the rain? That will put a smile on your face after the sadness of the foal. Did you find out the cause?