About BB
Okay… let’s start with a list the things I am NOT:
Political. I’m an Aussie, typically apathetic and apolitical, and couldn’t give a rats’ proverbial about past American presidents – the link seriously just didn’t occur to me when I dreamed up this silly blog name.
A babe /raunchy glamour-puss. I am not young (sadly) or particularly HAWT. I just like alliteration. And irony. My hearty apologies to those googling ‘Bush Babe’ with big expectations. (Bye-bye!)
An expert. On anything. Oh, you’ll hear about a lot of stuff you may not have heard much about before – like artificial insemination, and f-stops and tube-feeding. But never mistake me for an expert on anything. Your disappointment will be crippling. And I’d hate to be responsible for that.
So who IS Bush Babe?
Well, beside being someone who chose a pretty strange blog name* I am a mother of two, a wife and a mad-keen happy snapper. Once upon a time, long ago, I took photos for a couple of regional newspapers – jobs which turned me into an obsessive observer and photo-taking addict. Despite the fact that I am not employed in this role any more, I continue to shoot hundreds and hundreds of images. From sunsets to old buildings and wildflowers to dusty action in the paddock, I share it all: the events and moments which tell the story of my family, and of my corner of the world.
(The main subjects have learned to endure this torture over the years… the cows, dogs and horses don’t seem to mind too much either).
It’s certainly a life filled with colour and beauty and drama and challenges. It’s also stark contrast to the lifestyle we enjoyed more than a decade ago, back when we were city-ites. I no longer have shops within 50 kms, no corner store, no high-speed broadband, no mobile phone signal, no town water or garbage pickup. Since we moved back to the cattle property where I grew up, I have re-learned to be up-close and extremely personal with Mother Nature and her creatures – some of them gorgeous, some rather confronting. You really never know what’s around the corner…
For those interested in how I got into blogging… I was talked into being a blogger in late 2008 by my sister, and have been inspired by people like The Pioneer Woman , Bossy and Chronicles of a Country Girl. I have since made wonderful friends (besides these lovely ladies) whom I have listed over here. I write here at my little bush blog to document this life for my kids… and to let them know who their crazy, snap-happy Mum is (and even who she was before they erupted into her life).

I also love having visitors drop by – I am so lucky to have hundreds of you call in from all corners of the globe. Know that I get a real kick from seeing that you bothered to click my way – feel free to join the posse, leave a comment (below) or even drop me an e-line (bushbabeaustralia@gmail.com).
So please, settle your backside into that metaphorical blog saddle, pull your hat down low, and hang on for the ride…
Before we go… tell me, do my saddlebags look big in this?
* The blog name explanation: Bush – because that’s where I live, and Babe – because I was a ‘babe in the woods’ when it comes to anything internety/computery. I know. I REALLY didn’t think this blog title through, did I?