1 of my favourite – sights
One of those images that totally makes me smile - free helpers!
The newest star
A sweet princess sets Granite Glen hearts a-flutter...
Yasi and Pickles – a distraction
Saturation Yasi (the horrible) prompts a big dash of Pickles (the adorable)!
Shaking it up
Where we interrupt your regularly scheduled flood updates for something a little more horsey. And Violet.
The little rider
There is nothing as exciting as a new horse... not for our Violet, anyway.
Long legged cowboys on tall chestnut horses
Favourite things ramps it up a notch... a post that includes one of my new favourite photos!
Messing with a Mustang World
Where a brain explosion creates a World Of Horses...
Why I love this photo
One photo - and ten of the reasons I love it!
Nearly Wordless Wednesday – Trooper
Is there a more wonderful set of pleasing lines, than that owned by a horse?
The Costumes
In all their glory... Violet and Dash soak up the theatre atmosphere and get a taste for the footlights. (Well, there were no footlights, but you get my meaning.)
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