Happy Little Vegemite: Streakers and Wormers?
I grew up with Vegemite as the major toast accompaniment at breakfast time. This doesn’t make me special – pretty much every kid I know has eaten it at some stage of their life and at every daily meal.From being…
Wednesday-ish Weather Watch…. from Paradise
Oh heaven’s above… nearly forgot my Wednesday World Weather Watch (or as I like to call it: The Attack of the Alliterated W’s!)…I am mid-road-trip with four-year-old in tow, and staying at Sister Jeanie’s tonight. She’s free and easy with…
Weekend Wedding on Wednesday Wallow…
So, this week is shaping up as kinda busy for me – I am flitting about like a demented willy wagtail, barely home long enough to get the mountains of washing done and download a gazillion images after our wedding…
Lovely Lacey
We have arrived safely back from The Wedding in Big Town on the weekend. It’s always a relief to find that all animals are intact when we get home… I am a worrywort when it comes to our dogs and…
Floor space…
Remember Axel? The cute little Great Dane puppy? Uh huh…THIS is the amount of floor space the great boof-headed pooch takes up now. Like HALF of our temporary office. I have deliberately left the laptop, my awful feet and the…
The final shoot
Tomorrow is my cousin Tom’s wedding. He is my youngest cousin, and the most laidback character in our competitive, loving, chaotic family. This is the view above his house… taken one foggy morning earlier this week. It’s among my favourite…
Something old, something new – a weather update for you!
It’s Wednesday, Australian time. And you know what that means: Weather Watch time! (I know, keep your raging excitement under control please!) Before I rush into the forecast for the weekend, the image I am sharing is one snapped recently…
Booking in the Tooth Fairy!
Two front teeth looking MIGHTY precarious today… As Dash says: Think they’re ’bout to drop out Mum!!
Enough of me already!
A quick note to say I have changed my blog header image (above) from this: and instead I give you: Roos and Emus… a Bush Babe version of the Aussie coat of arms if you like.… The previous one had…
Visit to the Vet
I stumbled on this group of photos tonight… they were taken in April, when Axel (our ludicrous Great Dane puppy) was getting his vaccination shots at the local vet. Yes, I DO understand that I am supposed to blog-as-it-happens but…