OK, OK …Khe Sanh. And Acadaca.
I decided too much Jimmy is never enough……So after introducing some of my northern hemisphere readers to the gravelly delights of the fabulous Jimmy Barnes, I thought to myselt: BB, you cannot leave it here. That would just be cruel.…
I love listening to music… We travel long distances out here – everything is at least a half hour drive away, and while I do listen to ABC radio to occasionally catch up on what is going on in the…
BB classroom: What’s real? .
I have been doing a spot of teaching lately.Not that I am any sort of professional teacher. I have the utmost respect for teachers, and the importance they play in our lives. Plus they have to be the most patient…
Encounter of the (much-needed) wild kind
I went to Mum’s “town” place yesterday, after visiting my friend Lil. I wasn’t feeling down exactly, but my mood was kinda flat I guess. (Anyone hanging around this blog of late will know what I mean! BB’s version of…
Favourite Things: Rain and Friends
Two of my favourite things happened to me today… Rain fell. On my windscreen. Fat droplets sliding into sweet patterns. It fell on my side window too,while I was visiting a friend… My darling friend Lil. Her epitaph reads: “She…
This little series of snaps comes from a trip we made into town a couple of days ago… I had picked up Dash from his tiny one-teacher school, and was flying in to pick up Mr Incredible and Violet who…
Hang onto your hormones, girls!
There will be a variation from cattle and dogs images today – can I hear a sigh of relief all round? We had a little side-trip on our latest journey to show our cattle last week…a very special little side-trip.And…
A rose by any other name…
If you have been following my tweets, you might already know that we arrived back last night from being away at a show (again!). We have been away a lot lately, including Beef Week (7 days away). Then, we took…
Me ‘n’ Ree ‘n’ She – or Why Bush Babe Should Never Blog Recipes
As I think most of you know, I fantasise a little about being the Pioneer Woman. The Aussie version anyway. In reality, I fail miserably at this ambition… Sure I take photos of people riding horses, and document my life…
Bigger, better, bloomin’ ‘eck!
I am messing with the image sizes on my blog. If any of you subscribe to my posts, you will already know my pain. Pony Girl got me started again with trying to improve the viewing of photos… but of…