Yes, Mr President
Dash and I were waiting at Violet’s bus stop this afternoon, after the kids’ first day back at school and Kindy after the holidays. He was chattering away, filling in the three minute period of stillness we get between the…
She’s the Voice
A funny thing happened eight days ago, on the other side of the world… A few minutes of something special was recorded, giving the world a clip that should inspire people from all walks of life, all backgrounds, anywhere. ……
Cutestuff #1 gets a name!!
Well … it took quite some time to trawl through the deluge of fabulous offerings from my amazing readers who so willingly gave up their precious time and brain cells (well, lend them at least) to help us find a…
While you are waiting, waiting, waiting…
Life is overtaking blogging here at Granite Glen. (How rude!) My apologies to those waiting with bated breath to see who won the Name the Foal contest… my excuse in the delay is that Mr Incredible has been home a…
It’s been a momentous day here at Granite Glen. We started pretty early – Salina and Dash were up with the birds, and with this little little fella… the Amazing Axel. Amazing if he ever grows into those feet. Amazing…
A new member of the family…
I write today’s post with some serious bags under my eyes. You see, yesterday was a huge day. It went a little like this… I climbed into the Prado with Dash, Violet and my niece Salina at 7am. We arrived…
Don’t You…forget about ME!
Click on my cute face to join the contest! OPEN TIL THURSDAY 9PM GRANITE GLEN TIME
Name this foal: the contest
Righto. The time has finally come. Is your imagination ready for a workout? You may have forgotten our gorgeous Stock Horse foals, born here at Granite Glen just before Christmas? Here is a quick refresher for late starters and those…
The Bush ‘Finger Wave’ lesson
Most of you – having read the title of this post – will be expecting this content to be rude and obnoxious and a wee bit cranky.Go on, admit it!Really, you should know me better than that… For today I…
I went driving in a ute to pick up my Dad from his grader-driving stint yesterday. Some people play bowls or go fishing to relax when they are almost-70. My Dad goes grader driving. He’s had an unusual life. We…