Aussie humour and My Man
When I first met Mr Incredible, I was taken by many things. By his eyes – blue and clear and direct; His imposing height – six foot two with a very upright posture; His slow smile – a rare grin…
The Trouble with Danes
OK. I have been having trouble visiting the Pioneer Woman lately. Which means I have been there too often, with tears leaking down my cheeks. It’s not her fault. Not really. But she KEEPS putting these photos up of a…
The Great Bike Ride… and back!
When Jeanie and I were kids, we rode our bikes to the bus stop every day. And when he was old enough, our brother Pig did too. (Pig is the baby of our family – and no that is not…
Favourite things… RM Williams catalogue
I got my hot little hands on this yesterday… It’s a catalogue. But not just any catalogue. It’s a new, glossy, fabulous RM Williams catalague. I love sitting down with a tall coffee and flicking through the pages of a…
Come ride with me, let’s ride…
We had a chance to go riding as a family the other day… just a nice little job moving heifers from near the house to a paddock about 2 kms up river. It was Sunday, so we were all home,…
And the (windy) winner is…
It was tough. It was very, very difficult. And not at all easy. It required three cups of coffee and much head scratching (no nits, I checked!)… But in the end… how could I possibly go past Scotty’s answer to…
The answer was blowin’ in the wind
So I know you are all just dying to know what the real answer to the Mystery Photo was… Go on, admit it! I need to hear you say it… Oh alright. If you insist.Here is the Seriously Mysterious Image…
A smattering of snaps
I’ve been thinking about my contest and wondering what people would like to see on their walls… if anything I have snapped here would appeal to you… it’s such a personal thing, isn’t it? So I thought I’d pop up…
Win something huuuge!
OK. It’s time. For a CONTEST. … As you may already know, my contests are a little different from most. What happens is that I post a pic I like to call a ‘mystery photo’ (and often they are not…
Grass fire (from the car window)
Driving down the road to home this week, I could’ve been forgiven for thinking the grass out the front of our house paddock was on fire. It was all red-tipped and rippling and alight. So I took a photo. Or…