• The Bush

    Cattlework – crushes and cradles

    The first week of school was a hectic time round the ridges here… not only were Dash and his Mum getting used to the routine of breakfast-lunch preparation-dressed-hunt for shoes-toothbrushing-ABC Kids OFF-bag packing-schoolbus again, but the stud branding was also…

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    Happy V Day…

    I was never much into Valentines Day when I was younger… sure it was nice to occasionally get a bunch of flowers on a day when everyone else was, but my relationships were so unsteady as I whizzed my way…

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    Little pecks of powder…

    My daughter is a contrast of traits, a kaleidescope of girly girl and rough-and-tumble and feisty and sweet.. For instance, she adores makeup. Which is a bit strange, because I wear minimal colour on my face. And yet, she is…

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    Cool relief…

    It’s been pretty hard not to focus on the horrendous toll that bushfires have taken on Australia lately – and I realise my last couple of posts have been (necessarily) a bit hot and heavy… you’d be forgiven for thinking…

  • The Bush


    When I tapped out yesterday’s post asking y’all to keep in mind the terrible conditions in the south of our great nation, I had no idea of the enormity of what was happening. Of what would happen. No idea at…

  • The Bush,  Weather


    My thoughts tonight are with Gem and all those experiencing horrendous temperatures (I have heard reports of almost 50 degree Celsius) and terrible bushfires down in the southern part of this country: New South Wales, South Australia and Victoria. To…

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    School blues…

    Last week was back-to-school time for Dash. It’s been a less than ideal lead-up to this annual event, with some big news the previous week that his main buddy, Mada and his family were leaving the district. The full effect…