A late afternoon surprise: the Untouchables
I was preparing dinner last night when Mr Incredible called on the two-way radio. “Have you got your camera handy?” he asked. “There is a great sunset!” Smiling to myself that my hubby was actually encouraging me to take photos…
Projects… Number 1
Mr Incredible has been busy this year. The man has quite literally worked himself to the bone (he has lost over 25kg since we arrived from the city) out in the paddock. And I am sorry to say that even…
Silver stars, sterling in-laws, and our Christmas Miracle!
Well hello there! … I have been a bit absent over the past week – apologies for those seeking regular Ree-like updates from the Bush. I have discovered that having 21 people in one’s house over the Christmas period kinda…
Moulin Rouge… birds of a feather
This is a response to a meme my sister threw my way recently…with a minor twist (of course!)…Apparently, one has to select the sixth image from the sixth folder in one’s and tell the story behind it… of course my…
Merry Christmas to all…
Merry Christmas Everyone! … It is late afternoon here at Granite Glen… the rest of the party are in the pool as a storm threatens and the sun starts to sink in the west. We have had a wonderful day…
Anticipation: Granite Glen Christmas gathering
It is about to be Christmas Eve Down Under. And while I would never claim to be “all things Aussie”, I reckon our brand of festive celebrations for Christmas will be echoed in some way or other in many households…
Tis the season… panic or paint?
We are gearing up for Christmas here at Granite Glen… our very first Christmas hosting my husband’s family since arriving back in the bush. I am excited and tired and terrified all at the same time. Not that Mr Incredible’s…
But wait… there’s more!
The heat has been oppressive here lately… Steamy, sticky, icky 40+ degrees (C) heat… Each afternoon the storm clouds build up promisingly… And proceed to rain somewhere else… leaving us hot and sticky and heading for the pool!… And it’s…
Big hoofprints to fill…
Ready for the answer to yesterday’s mystery? I am not sure you are… Remember how my brother owned the most gentle wonderful stallion, and tragically lost him a couple of months ago? Well… we have been watching these two swelling…
Teaser … Part 2
Here’s a little hint for you all, to help you solve the mystery… Hello ladies. Warm enough for you? That shade looks most inviting… … And here is hint number 2…Don’t say I never give you anything!