Sober and stormy thoughts…
Just a quick note to send my thoughts to those who live in my old hometown, BrisVegas… Terrible storms have ripped through the city three times this week, and I ache for those who have lost so much in the…
Watch this space!
Drama is rife here at Granite Glen tonight… …It began just as I was reading a bedtime story to Dash…We were just one page into ‘Top Cat’ when my six-year-old son’s eyes grew huge. Well, even HUGER than normal… Chewing…
Dash’s Summer Splash
It’s been hot round the ridges here lately… While snow falls in Canada and Pennsylvannia, here the temperature rarely drops below 20 degrees (C) in November and the battle to get the pool transformed back from murky winter green to…
Australia – should be Hugh-ge!
Tonight is the world premiere of Baz Luhrmann’s movie, Australia. … Despite the fact that the name of this flick puts me off (seriously, naming a movie after an entire nation? That’s a long way to fall, man!)… well, I’m…
Conversations with Dash: the wedding photos
I was going through my wedding snaps last night. I wanted to send a couple to my sister to remind her what a lovely day her wedding had been, how much fun everyone had had, and how beautiful she is.…
You asked for it…prints and prices
I have been asked on a number of occasions about getting prints from this blog. I am so amazed and flattered that people have bothered to enquire… and I have finally decided to look into getting some prints done up…
Vows and wows…
My baby sister got married yesterday. It was a simple wedding, just as she wanted. Surrounded by people she loves. Who love her. By the sea. In Paradise. To her “laughing cavalier”, V. And right alongside her adorable daughter, Salina.…
Nearly there…
Tomorrow is Jeanie’s wedding. The organising has been loud and furious. Mostly loud. But all is well. Jeanie and V have escaped the pre-wedding madness momentarily in their ‘honeymoon unit’. I think it’s a grand idea. I am finishing trimming…
November Fairy Dust
At the very end of October, every year, something magical happens around Queensland… Actual Fairies visit one night… And sprinkle a little magic through streets and backyards from the city to the bush… . It’s purple fairy dust!. SEE ……
Wedding Wednesday…
Long post alert – get that coffee first! It’ll be worth it! Promise… We arrive in Paradise today (Prado permitting) to help my darling little sister prepare for her wedding to V… I anticipate some fun girl-time together, as well…