Bush Babe’s Masochist Lesson of the Day
I ache tonight.With aches in places no person should have aches.And it’s no-one’s fault but my own.Because this week I severely over-estimated my abilities. . I decided that despite: Not having ridden seriously for about 2 decades; Being about 20kg…
It’s all seemed a little bit sunshine and roses here at Granite Glen lately, hasn’t it? All going a bit too swimmingly? A bit on the saccharine side of sweet perhaps? So I thought that I would let you in…
Wagtails: empty nest syndrome
We arrived home from our three-day break, all tanned (OK, not really) and relaxed (OK, not really) and with piles of washing (really!)… . And I thought, while I was unpacking the small mountain of dirty clothes and wet towels…
A break at the beach…
Last weekend, SSB, Dash, The Little Woman and I packed up the Prado and vamoosed from Granite Glen. Not for good. Just for three-and-a-half days. (Can’t forget the half day. It all counts!) It was our much-anticipated, long-planned mini holiday.…
I Once Met a Man – Tommy Emmanuel
Debby posted an amazing clip of a gifted American guitarist on her blog today… took me back to my journo days. I was 20-something (almost two decades ago) and wide-eyed, armed with a heavy black battered Nikon, a notebook and…
Afternoon aromas… and city hissy fits!
I was looking forward to a lovely afternoon filled with good vibes and much oral anticipation. …After sorting the Granite Glen house out in the morning, washing a mountain of clothes and doing my best to ignore the smokey haze…
Punters, Elections and Winners in General
It seems that races are commanding attention from one end of this world to the other. As America hurtles towards it historic elections (Tuesday their time) we threw down our (proverbial) tools to pay attention to that most Australian of…
Bush invaded by shellfish!
We live inland – about three hours drive from the nearest salt water. One of the things SSB and I have had to adjust to (after moving here from a beachside locale) is the scarcity of seafood. Or rather the…
Snapshots of our minds
I had the most amazing conversation with Dash on the way home from a friends … it was just he and I in the car, at night. We were both tired and mostly silent on the drive towards Granite Glen…
Meet Dash’s feathered (school) friend
I picked Dash up from school one day this week… unusual as he normally catches the little bus to our mailbox (a shed!) about 1km from Granite Glen. I had had to scurry to one of the small towns nearby…