Brothers and Sisters…
Sometimes, the stars align at Granite Glen… … That moment when my feng shui and karma and my generall goodwill to mankind (OK this last bit might be a bit of overkill) all come back to me in the form…
May the (black) road rise to meet you…
We have been here at Granite Glen for pretty much exactly 18 months now. And in that time, we have been reminded time and time again, of the similarities and differences between city life (which had been my life for…
And the winner is…
Jeanie and I are watching tennis on TV. Leighton is playing Roger – my two favourite tennis players belting it out… man, I love Wimbledon. One day, one day, I will be there cheering on an Aussie (or whoever) in…
The Great Escape…
I was trawling through my archives of unused images today (read here: great enormous drifts of jpeg files floating around my hard drive) … and chanced upon some little snaps… Remember back when we were providing the support crew for…
Big Smoke (and a PS)
Recently, we had an unexpected trip to the Big Smoke.… The kids, SSB and I enjoyed the chance to catch up with some (city-based) family and the change in scenery. And the chance to dress up like the city folk…
Words weavers
The Amazing Shirley, at Rhubarb Whine, recently did a beautiful post on the love of language. It rang true with me… while I’m not into the type of verbose prose that numbs one’s brain into submission, I do adore the…
One Little Woman. Lots of Little Bulls.
It’s weaner handling time here at the Granite Glen house. I would call it a homestead, but that would make it all sounds a bit …grand. So instead of something grand, you need to clear you mind of anything remotely…
Why Am I Here?
It’s a question that’s been asked about this blog…both to my face and elsewhere! And I think I should answer it, right here, right now… Why do I blog? Why do I choose to share my life with the world…
Real Little Dogs…
Remember this little guy? Hello Roley! Smile for the camera, man… Well he and his black brother (hey there Pitch) have graduated from “babies” to “real little dogs” – at least that’s what SSB said when he saw them this…
Me, me, meme…
Thanks to Alison, I have girded myself to share some vital statistics … not that I’m into navel-gazing too much. Like, you’re not going to find out how much I weigh, for instance. Or what brand of toothpaste I use.…