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    Beauty tips, the Bush Babe way!

    Red Alert: Serious Chick stuff ahead. If you are male, and not into makeup or beauty secrets, please visit here for wild-looking real bush creatures, here for stomach-churning bunyips stories, or here for some mind-blowing analogies between tractor and sky.…OK.…

  • The Bush

    Working mother…

    Did you notice anything about the photos from the last post?? Besides the fact that my husband is the Man from (not so) Snowy River? And besides the totally relieved look on the weaners faces?? … It has to do…

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    Meet Midnight…

    Some of you have been suffering under the illusion that you have met ALL the Granite Glen menagerie… Sure, you may have met dogs and horses, cattle and emus, goannas and birds…But there is one particular member of our household…

  • The Bush,  Weather

    Friends and sunsets

    I have just arrived home from a wonderful dinner… a night out in the bush.…It was an impromptu gathering of three families – neighbours around our age here near Granite Glen.…My darling friend Elle – a gorgeous bubbling well of…

  • The Bush


    Don’t you hate it when you come home… And someone has been in your house? You feel violated, angry, upset… Especially when you find they have upended your rubbish. … And rifled through your pantry… . And chewed on your…

  • The Bush

    Sky High over our Dip…

    We were working at the yards this week… it’s weaning time. That means we muster in all of our breeders (cows and calves) and seperate them, giving the mothers a rest through the winter before they calve again in the…

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    Morning Town Ride…

    Last week, we had a special treat out here in the Queensland bush.Queensland Rail were sending an old steam train on a journey around the towns… They were sharing a bit of history with schoolchildren and train addicts. I am…

  • The Bush,  Weather

    Sepia and Aqua…

    It’s been dry here at Granite Glen – a long time since our last proper rain. The grass has dried and faded to a soft burnt sepia. Artistic, sure.Tasty and juicy for our bovine residents.No. Dust has also dulled the…