Not that kind of wedding…
You know how you go to some weddings and wonder what on earth the bride and groom were thinking? Whether they have a clue what they are getting themselves into? … Whether the smiles are forced? Whether the love is…
OK OK: puppy pics for those who have been good…
I have not gone mad. Three posts in one day… But I thought perhaps you might like a puppy pic… For a reward when you have done the ironing, mowing and folding. Well done! I shall have to look later……
A cool change…
Winter is coming to Granite Glen… The mornings are getting nippy and we have had our first frost for the year. … I’m not that keen on frosts – I have enough of a hard time dragging my butt out…
No green thumb…
Today’s confession: I am a terrible gardener.This is not a claim I make lightly. … Don’t get me wrong… I love plants: agapanthus, lavender, roses, gerberas, poinciana trees…Among my very favourite things in the world.Sadly, they don’t love me.Or more…
And they call it…
Okay, enough with scaring the pants off you all… so sorry about that. It hardly ever happens, really. … In my defence, I really didn’t quite understand the effect of unleasing an image of the deadliest snake in the world…
Sssssuper engrosssssing!
‘What the?‘ Wednesday… . Dash was utterly mesmerised at the local show by one display in particular… . He stood in this exact pose for about half an hour during this particular demonstration… . Can you guess what it was?…
Beyond the black stump…or in the ‘burbs?
It’s all a matter of perspective I guess… as to whether we are ‘remote’ or (in fact, as my Dad claims) actually “practically living in the suburbs” here at Granite Glen. … I mentioned last post, that we get a…
Catching up at Granite Glen…
You know how you hear about the “slower life” in the country… Well, I’m here to tell you… it’s a big fat lie! … You can’t tell by recent posts on this blog, (in fact you’d think I’ve been doing…
Bovine buddies…no bull!
I haven’t talked too much about cattle to y’all yet… and that’s a bit crazy when Granite Glen is a cattle property. Really, we live, eat (literally) and breathe cattle. (Apologies to my vegetarian friends: I’m just telling it like…
Of Bunyips and Bluegums…
I wanted to post something dreamy and nice after my last vile effort.… Sorting through my photo archives I chanced upon these photos, taken a couple of months ago. And I decided to go a bit Dreamtime instead… They show…