Coz you can never have too much Great Dane
I have had very few pets in my life… oh, I’ve had LOTS of animals around – horses, cattle, working dogs, even a sheep (called Mary Jane – that’s definitely a post all on its own!). All have been useful…
Doggone Love
This is Cosmo – our “firstborn”. This is Cosmo with our “real” firstborn. This giant pooch (hip high to me and weighing in at around 70kg) was unbelievably gentle with him. They were best friends. This blue merle Great Dane…
Television – My Own Twisted Reality
I try hard not to indulge in too much naval-gazing here. But last night Desperate Housewives was on TV while I was doing the mountain (try Swiss Alps) of folding accumulated in the corner of my living room. And I…
The Real Bush Christening
I have realised that many of those reading this blog (from OS) will have no idea of the references made to a ‘Bush Christening’… the phrase stems from a famous Australian verse, by the poet AB (Banjo) Paterson who recorded…
How to freak me out!
I like to think of myself as a calm, together kinda woman – years of being a journalist (I like to tell myself) hardened me to the little phobias and fears afflicting the everyday person. I loved heights (soaring over…
Hondo’s Hero
We have two pups here at Granite Glen – not pet pups, working pups. There’s a difference. Working dogs are not soft and cute and allowed in the house, or even the house yard – they don’t carry too much…
More old stuff… with love
Have had some requests for more pics of old stuff around our neck of the woods. This is not too much of a challenge for me: A) Because I love old things – they are just more interesting!!! B) Because…
Dimples…Lord Help Me!
The Little Woman is three years old… going on 30. She has (as my Dad would say) plenty of bounce to the ounce. She’s not big, but no-one could ever forget she was around. Not that she is loud necessarily.…
Flooded: the Mini-Series
Remember the rain I told you about last post? Well, upstream from us, up in the hills further north-west of Granite Glen, it rained even more. And so, as happens when the rain-sodden earth can no longer drink the wetness…
Washing the bad stuff away
It has been REALLY hot here at Granite Glen… sweaty, steamy, stinking hot. Over 40 degrees celsius hot (too lazy to convert properly, but heading over the 100F in the old scale). And then, after retreating repeatedly to the pool…