You know that feeling?
Horses are sly creatures. Even the darling ones called Pickles...
Double ton and giveaway
Sharing the love... a little giveaway to say THANKS!
Love this Road…
'There's a long stretch of highway'.... sing with me people!
Oz Day and Special Guests
Burgers, beetroot, bovine friendships and more...
Pineapples, mullets and the magnificent nine
Let the credits roll... less for the hairdos than the characters and all their hard work!
Calm before the storm
So much to show you, so much to tell you... instead you get this excerpt!
Scary areas
Walk with me? OKAY, behind me then... scardey cats!
A day in my life …
I attempt to compress a day into a post. Not sure it fits comfortably, so bring refreshments.
Deck dynamos
Some people come here for a holiday. Of the working kind...
Oops… or not?
A word of photo advise... MAKE MISTAKES. (I do it all the time)